New Door Texture

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  1. CaBaL120
    • premium
    • 3,925 kudos
    wood "veins" are too big compared to object space...tiling is not seamless...too "new"
    an advice on workflow: create some seamless pattern with a standard resolution for each material,different kind of woods and so..
    install xnormal in photoshop... eventually buy ndo2...using the convert normal to cavity option in xnormal u will have a "base"
    then you will just need to apply your patterns to different materials playing with fusion options to find the most realistic is a matter of small detailing.
    remember to keep a copy of each leyer you use on diffuse map for the specular and eventually with groups in other words.
    1. NWelf
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      Lol yea I know I have a lot to learn still lol. But I am stuck with using free programs like gimp because I cant afford to buy a good graphics program.

      It was meant to look new, since it was a more recent build, which will be explained in a journal left by the former owner. But ty for the advice. Tho I was looking into how to make the interior walls less smooth, so they looked more like wood and less like paneling lol. The rest is good adice as well, like I said I am still learning, this is my first big project (only other mods I have made are a few run of the mill - gotta DL a bunch of stuff to make it work - type follower mods. I am adding and improving things as I go, as I learn new things. But really only started working with gimp and actual texture editing only a few months ago, so I'm still new to all of this.

      Thanks for the adice though, I appreiate you taking the time to give me some pointers .