Astrid is back

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Astrid's new look, using the AstridFollower/Marry mod + the Lightning/FF Mod
her armor is Black Sacrament Mod

Her new look its good for a New Sidequest For DB and Main Quest(if Bethesda stop with the Valve time and Release the CK soon)

History: its been 2 weeks since astrid's death and the emperor's death, during 1 night sithis speaks with you about astrid's fate, that she is stucked on nirn yet, and that Alduin is eating the souls of those who were killed during the Civil War and DB quests, after that you Hear the Night Mother saying that Astrid can help you to stop Alduin and the Civil War also its a good chance to her redeem her acts during the Fall of Falkreach Sanctuary.

So they Decides to tive her a Second chance on Nirn, but you need to retrieve back her Body + The Elder Scroll, The Blood of Innocents(it involves Butcher's Victims on Windhelm, Gallus quest, High King Toryyg, Titus Mede II and etc.) and Your Blood, So she Can return to nirn in a new body to help you in your adventures, and to find Redemption at the eyes of Sithis and The Night Mother.


  1. kavurider
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    This is sooooo not Astrid. The hair (ok fine i give you Apachii fan) but the face is all wrong. For example: Astrid eye is brown.

    Astrid also in her 30s, this teenage girl look like she's in her 20s.

    Of course you can argue that it's Astrid's spirit that borrow a young girl body. But then again it could be anyone, heck just remain Lydia as Astrid.

    This npc is no more Astrid than just a name.

    Wrong armor too?
  2. cikuwh
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    wooowww!!nice pic you got there,hehehe

    can you show me how to put lightning hair mod to NPC??please?? *puppylook
  3. Ismorelda
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    I too would like to have Astrid