The Twins - Ishmir and Havomir

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  1. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 883 kudos
    These guys look great! One reminds me of the Arab guy from the movie The Mummie.

    This guy:
    1. NWelf
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      Yep lol, that guy was the inspiration for mine hehe !! I wonder if I should put the forehead tattoos on him as well?? What do you think?
    2. Helena7t5
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Yes, definitely put the tattoos on him, he's lovely. The Mummy is a movie I watch quite frequently and mostly for this guy! I'm definitely getting enthusiastic about Ishmir that armour is Mmm, I like my mages to look more like fighters that clerics! Great job!
  2. Sauercrowd
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Wow, what a sexy pair of twins! Would love to see them fight by my side. Havomir as a 2h melee character and Ishmir as his magical twin. Reminds me of Numb3ers^^ I think the armor fits nicely. Sexy and immersive
    Keep it going!
    1. NWelf
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      Hehe thanks! glad you like them . Yea I am working on them, I am hopeing to have them done in a couple weeks, but we will see, with my illnesses I can never be sure when I will be able to work on them, so I can't really give an estimate, but I am hoping for end of august / early september, if all goes well. Havomir is a duel-weilding weapon master, and Ishmir is is spellsword twin .

      Though if your looking for a 2h melee character, I have one of those in the works as well, and a battlemage, and a necromancer, which are called Korvain, Danicus, and Eric respectively. Their basic mods you can see if you visit my profile page, and look at the mods page. But I would encourage you to wait until I get the standalone versions done, as the eye mod that I used for them is no longer on the nexus, so I had to find a new one to use.

      Yea I decided to go a bit different with the armor, just a change to the hood and guanlets. If you want to see the changes, you can take a look at this pic:

      Though I still have a bit of work to do on the armor, adding some dragon runes and alchemical symbols. And I am also doing some tattoos for them too.
    2. Sauercrowd
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Thanks for the fast and comprehensive reply!

      I'm totally ok with Havomir being a dual-wielding weapon master I just liked the idea of leting the twin brothers use different fighting styles. It was just the first thought that came to my mind when i first saw the picture.

      I have to admit that i like this outfit over the new additions (not a fan of masks) but that shouldn't be a problem at all. We know we can change it all day Though the gauntlets are an improvement. And the outfit from your newest screenshot of this series is really stunning too (showin a little leg).
      You are the author. You made it how you like it the most. Take the time you need and don't feel hustled by me or someone else. I like your work regardless of wether its released in 2 days or 2 month. I will enjoy it either way

    3. NWelf
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      Thx, yea no worries, the mask is removeable so if you don't want to use it you can just take it off him. I know I shouldn't rush, but my mod fans have been waiting a long time for the standalone versions of these guys lol, and I don't like to keep peeps waiting, but unfortunately it can't be helped, my illnesses being what they are. Been laid up in bed for the last 3 days from kidney problems and pain. But meds are helping and I am doing better now, so its back to work . Atm I have just about everything organized. Now I am working on making some .blend files for the skin textures (kinda like caliente has for her CBBE, cept mine will be for Urshi's skin textures). I've never done them before so it will be a learning experience for me, but hopefully if I get it right, it will help eliminate the neckseam. Once those are done, they will be able to be used with Caliente's Texture Blender (but I still need to get permission from Urshi and Caliente to add them. That and working on the tattoos for each of them is whats on the to-do list for today.

      Yea the Showing a little leg screenshot, he's wearing the Tsun armor from the vanilla game(along with Amiddianborn's (think I spelled that wrong lol) Tsun armor retexture - you should check out their work- its truely amazing). I had modified it to be a heavy armor, and gave it some enchants, and changed the armor values a bit. I am making that one for my Korvain follower, but was testing it on my player character to see if it was working properly.

      Thx again for all your words of encouragement ! They really help to keep me motivated !
  3. Lordess
    • member
    • 29 kudos
    A gorgeous pair of twins! <3 Beautiful set!
    1. NWelf
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      Thx glad you like them !
  4. Gwanuneg
    • member
    • 97 kudos
    Wow, what a beautiful man! Good work!
    1. NWelf
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      Thx ! glad you like them, this beautiful man comes with a twin hehe, so its twice the yumminess .
  5. TairenSoul
    • premium
    • 288 kudos
    YUM! <3
    1. NWelf
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      Hehe, yea thats what I said when I got done getting his face detals the way I wanted them hehe ! Lol it did one of those cartoon faces when they see a hot cartoon chick lol. Eyeballs popping out of head, tongue rolled out onto the floor lol.

      Glad you like him
  6. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 277 kudos
    Oh very great looking guys, love the last shot, and think the hair works great on each...
    1. NWelf
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      Thank you, thats kind of you to say ! I'm glad you like them. I was so happy when apachii came out with the new male hairstyles, they are all just awesome ! Both of these are from apachii's hair mod. Tho I am talking with apachii to see if I can talk them into making a short haired version of Ishmirs hair, cause as it is, this hairstyle has a long wavey ponytail in back (even tho it cant be seen in these pics). And it looks great, but I had always envisioned Ishmir with a short hair style. So hopefully I can talk apachii into making a short version of that hairstyle. Wish me luck!
  7. netherwalk
    • supporter
    • 165 kudos
    These guys look great!
    1. NWelf
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      Thx! , glad you like them. I've been working really hard on them, still got a bit of work to go yet tho. Gonna add runes and alchemical symbols to the armor (since both brothers are alchemy masters), and I have some body tattoos planned as well . And I think I'm going to change the gloves, the psiijic gloves look cool, but I'm not sure if they really go with the rest of the armor very well. So I may try making my own or find a better substitute.

      And thx for the endorsement!