Bow texture

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  1. CaBaL120
    • premium
    • 3,973 kudos
    greyscale specular... biggest limit ever
    did you invert leather color on specular? seems like it's keeping some color... maybe is just the lighting.
    looks great, amazing details indeed. i'm not a fan of the saturation in yellow parts, only a matter of taste anyway
    1. jmenaru
      • supporter
      • 1,652 kudos
      Indeed, it is an annoying limitation. I did invert the leather color.

      And yes, the saturation is a bit much, but that is because I had to balance it out with a grayscale specular to get a good result for skyrim. Sure with a colored specular it's pretty saturated, but with black and white one it looks a lot less saturated. Kinda annoying when you have to go middle of the road.
    2. KettleWitch
      • premium
      • 255 kudos
      Would it be possible to put a gloss map in the alpha of the specular and then put that combined specular in the alpha of the skyrim normal rather then playing with blending the gloss with the environment/cube map? Wouldn't matter because of game engine?

      Anyway, top stuff as always dude, looking forward to the release.
    3. jmenaru
      • supporter
      • 1,652 kudos
      lol, no. This is not alpha-ception

      There is no native support of rgb speculars or gloss maps as far as I can see, which is a shame since those are pretty much required for realistic material definitions. The only mention I've seen is the option to use a value for gloss and spec in nifskope, but that would just mean that I'd have to break my model in pieces by materials and adjust each one accordingly.

      There's one problem with that though besides the fact that it's EXTREMELY annoying and that is that a single value can't possible compete with a full blown colored spec and a gloss map. It would be like my texture is composed out of 1 plain color and has the same gloss value all across the model which is obviously not that realistic. What if I want 10 pixels to be blue on my spec and the next 10 pixels to be yellow ? Or what if I want to have a less glossy area on my metal to simulate dirt and stuff like that ? Because of this I don't even bother.

      It's just another one of those "briliant" decisions at bethesda that make me raise my eyebrows and facepalm. They're so far behind even current gen standards that's laughable. No dx11 and all the features that come with it, no proper texture support, no clothing physics, shitty models and even now, the "cities" look like villages and the game performs poorly with a lot of npcs. At least there are enb mods to add proper post processing effects.
    4. KettleWitch
      • premium
      • 255 kudos
      Heh, alpha-ception.

      If the y is flipped in the normal your in a dream......

      Yeah, enb's were a game changer for me, couldn't believe the difference they make when I first started using them. It's actually staggering what modders are getting out of the engine considering all the limitations.

      Anyway, still plenty of fun to be had until they let us loose on a juicier engine
  2. CuriousMarten
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    This looks tasty, can't wait 'till i get my hands on this beauty.
  3. Stevrocks
    • member
    • 15 kudos
    When is release ????
    1. jmenaru
      • supporter
      • 1,652 kudos
      this week most likely.
    2. Caelrya
      • account closed
      • 161 kudos
  4. amerem
    • premium
    • 33 kudos
    Looks great but I think the bindings around the quiver should be closer they seem kinda 2d that far off