SkyReal - Weather and Lighting

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  1. refusedzero
    • supporter
    • 60 kudos
    !) This looks *AMAZING*!
    2) I hope the K series ENBs is compatible with it!
    3) Thanks for this project!
  2. Vindold
    • premium
    • 172 kudos
    I don't even know what to say, it's simply gorgeous, can't wait for release, really O_O

    P.S. Hope it'll be compatible with Bleak enb
    one of the best, performance friendly ENB and unique one.
  3. deleted3924898
    • account closed
    • 21 kudos

    This looks very good!

    Try to not change the lighting too much tho to make it looks good with enb. CoT changes the lighting too much to be used with an enb (imo).

    I must use Kountervibe enb. Can't play without it
    Kountervibe + this would be amazing!
    1. hlvrn
      • member
      • 45 kudos
      Thanks, glad you like it

      About enbs; the lighting is developed independently. Meaning that I try to make the lighting as good as possible without any ENBs, and any ENBs have to adjust to that. I don't adjust the lighting to ENBs, because 1) that would be unfair to everyone who can't or don't want to use ENBs, and 2) there are so many different ENBs out there that it would be impossible to adjust the lighting to them.

      The lighting isn't as big as a change from vanilla as CoT is, but it sure is a tremendous difference still. Anyway, I will have one or two (or even more) ENB presets specifically tuned to look good with SkyReal at release date. So if you like ENBs you'll definitely be able to use one that looks good with it from day one. After that, other ENB mods will have to adjust to my mod if they don't look right.