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"So here too, you are disappearing? You fall into ruin, unable to resist. Those that knew your names die out. Belief in your very existence is lost. Now, even if you age into legend… How pitiful, how pitiful you are!"

Deneb awoke from her sleep, and left the room. At the bar was Tripp looking over a wrinkled map with the bartender who had a drink in his hand. Tripp looked over at Deneb then said "I'd head over to the General store and find something warm to wear, apparently a bad storm is brewing off the coast and we're heading right into the thick of it today it seems".

Deneb nodded and made her way out of the inn. As she left the inn a bone chilling wind greeted her to the outdoors. Quickly Deneb made her way up the street to the quaint little store where a woman with a sad look to her face stood behind the counter. "I do not have much here, if I do not have what you need please don't be disappointed".

"I'm looking for something... warm" Replied Deneb who was browsing through what the little store had.

"I have an old fur cloak that you might be interested in" The woman said as she went through what was in an old battered dresser. She found it and showed the witch who snatched it out of her hands then started to smell it as she pulled on it.

The shopkeeper had a frightened look upon her face until Deneb looked up at her then realized what she was doing wasn't considered 'normal'. "I'll take it alongside that claw thing on the shelf" Deneb exclaimed as she walked towards the clutter covered counter.

The shopkeeper looked expectantly at her then Deneb realized she had to pay because Tripp was drinking his fortune away just down the road. She reached into her deep pockets then pulled out two handfuls of tarnished gold and silver jewelry with various precious gemstones.

"That should be enough, they aren't shiny so they should do" Deneb said as the shopkeeper's jaw dropped at what now lie upon her counter. Deneb gave a confused look, took the claw then left the shop as the shopkeeper was still in a state of shock.

Outside the inn stood Tripp with the oar in hand. "Ready" said Tripp as he sat upon the floating oar. Deneb shrugged then as soon as she hopped on they were gone.


They flew over the Ice field until Tripp spotted a rowboat frozen within an ice jam. They landed to find a ladder leading into a cave made of ice that had a faint voice rattling away somewhere within.

"It'll collapse on us you know, ice is no good" Deneb said as Tripp went down the ladder rolling his eyes at the end of the his peace and quiet. She followed him regardless of her recent outburst.

In the hollowed out ice there lie a giant Dwemer box and an old man pacing back and forth. He saw the two looking down upon him then exclaimed loudly "It was right, they would come. I was getting lonely within this box we call reality". The two of them went down to the old man.

"Septimus I presume. I've been told your the one to come to in order to find an Elder scroll or some such rot" Tripp said the visibly deranged man.

"Yes. Yes you have heard right, so right almost like looking both east and west while looking above or below. I will help you if you help me, for I do know where a scroll is somewhere in Tamriel and it is relativity close, figuratively speaking. I need it for the key to this box, so much more knowledge than the deep ones can give, much more" Septimus said the the two as if he were in his own little world.

He peered at Deneb then said "You've seen what lurks in the deep below, nasty creatures from way back when towers of white adorned mountains and battles of loss and sorrow. You've seen the fire and shadow when they were young and the sundering of the west, oh yes"

Tripp snapped his fingers until he caught the crazed mans attention then he said in an annoyed tone "So this scroll, what do I need to do in order to get it".

Septimus looked at Tripp then said "Below, far below the hidden keep. Tower Mzark. Alftand is where the weak point is. Not far from there is Blackreach, where faded remnants of the old world lie. These will get you into the depths and what I want. Oh yes, you will figure out how they work oh yes".

"Where exactly is this Alftand at" questioned Tripp who pulled out a wrinkled old map. Septimus pointed at a mountain not too far from his outpost. "There, there is the puncture point, there is the way into the depths. Now go time is wasting away for some of us" Septimus said.

As the two left Tripp asked "What is in that box, just asking out of curiosity".

"The heart of a God, now go" He replied.

As they stood on the ice flow Deneb grabbed Tripp's sleeve then asked "Do you think that man was here"?

"I think that mercenary would have killed that old man, now we have little time for that storm is on our tail" Tripp said.

They hopped onto the oar then flew off in the direction of the mountain. As they passed over the shore the winds started to blow heavily with snow. "We have to land, the wind will blow us around as if we were paper" Tripp said as he landed the oar before the foot of the mountain.


"Can't we wait for morning to come, that snow is getting heavy and I don't like heavy things" Deneb said as she kicked the snow at Tripp. He turned around then said "Where will we stay then and will you be able to still see the path when the snow piles a few feet up. There is only one way and that is make it up before either of us freeze solid".

She crossed her arms and gave a dirty look before she realized it was futile to convince Tripp otherwise.

Up the mountain they went as the wind blew snow in all direction. Tripp had little problems traversing the terrible terrain unlike Deneb who kept falling face first into the snow that was drifting in furrows. She looked at Tripp then screamed "How are you not falling into this nasty solid water stuff". Deneb then picked herself up and started to shake as she said "Its so cold, how can you not feel it".

He turned around and replied "Because I have hobnails on my boots, bad terrain like this is nothing for me and for the second question, I stopped caring for it along time ago to say the least". Tripp walked down to Deneb then threw her over his shoulders. "Let me down" She screamed.

"I'll let you down when we get higher, the snow seems like it is more packed up there anyways" Tripp said as he made his way up the path.

The snow slowly faltered as they slowly made their way up the now icy snow covered mountainside trail. Eventually they made their way onto a plankway where the snow was light due to the cover of the great wall of ice beside it. Tripp set Deneb down then said quietly "I do not think we're alone up here".

The smell of smoke wafted down the side of the mountain with the breeze as the two quietly walked up the plankway. Standing on the plateau of ice they saw an abandoned base camp of which many of the buildings and tents were knocked down and covered with a light dusting of snow. Deneb walked into one of the standing shelters and found a manifest of an expedition before a gunshot caused her to dive into the light snow.

"I 'it 'er, the 'ool is mine aye" a voice yelled out from a far as another voice yelled "No you didn't she went prone so keep your hands off of the pot eh".

Tripp turned around to see Gaff standing there wearing a large fur cloak while he had an odd cocky grin upon his face.

"You seem to be an ordinary man, but from what paranoid House of Cole says your not. A man who can rally defeated men into a Pyrrhic victory, someone who has more tricks up his sleeves than a jester, a man who would willingly go through with the most maniacal, suicidal plans that have very little positive outcome for those he'd willingly throw into it. Someone I myself am very impressed with. Those on the hill have orders to shoot the girl who supposedly can turn the sky red and call down brimstone and fire. You old man are mine alone, what say you" Gaff yelled out.

Tripp drew his blade then stood in an odd yet formal looking stance, He looked upon the Mercenary in fur and said "Those who cross dead men should not expect to see the light of day again, you have sealed your path".

Deneb looked up at Tripp then yelled out "Just kill him already, get it over with already".

Still staring at his foe, Tripp said to Deneb "I wish for him to beg for mercy as I toss his dismembered, lifeless hands off the cliff before I lash him to a pole, it is best you move and deal with those mercenaries before they make you into a sheet that moths have feasted upon".

Deneb gulped as she slowly picked herself up as Tripp made a steady movement towards Gaff who was laughing and making a gesture with his hand. A hail of lead smashed into the shack behind Deneb who jumped back into the snow. Gaff drew his blackened blade then charged at the Tripp who kept with his calm pace and stance. Seconds later their blades clashed as Deneb started to throw fire at the men upon the icy hill.

Beads of sweat covered Gaff's face as it was quite clear Tripp had gained the upper hand in the fight between the two. He attempted to bring his blade down wildly on Tripp's head but he caught it with his left hand. Before Gaff could say anything Tripp punched Gaff several times in the face before he fell to the ground from bad footing.

Deneb managed to hit one of the mercenaries upon the hill then the blackpowder he was carrying went off tearing the abdomen open and spilling out his entrails. A cruel smile grinned across her face as well as an odd glint lit up in her eyes.

Gaff in desperation threw a handful of bloody snow onto Tripp's face then sliced his leg open with the small time he had bid himself. Tripp stumbled away from Gaff and shook a silvered knife out of his sleeve. Gaff went at Tripp again and he threw the knife which landed right below Gaff's collarbone. He stopped then spat blood in Tripps general direction.

"You idiots, ignore her! Shoot the big guy hes closer" Gaff yelled out as blood dripped out of his mouth. Tripp took up his odd stance again as a hail of lead narrowly missed him. Deneb started to throw fire at the snow behind the firearm armed mercenaries.

"I guess they were right when they said you had tricks up your sleeve" Gaff said in a taunting manner as he tried to regain his breath. All of a sudden the snow behind the mercenaries came rolling down at them, burying most of them alive. One of the mercenaries took aim at the aimless Deneb and managed to graze her arm. Gaff and Tripp started to go at it again with blades clashing.

Deneb grabbed her arm where it was now freely bleeding. Tripp started to get the upper hand even though he was limping with every step. A swift kick to the shin and Gaff fell back into the snow, Tripp raised his blade up for the final blow then a shot rang out from the hill. Tripp started to stumble backwards as Gaff jumped up to end the lopsided fight.

Deneb's eyes went wide as she stood there almost in shock at what she witnessed, her face resembled a deer caught in bright lights. As he stumbled Tripp looked as if he were mumbling something. Gaff rose his blade to drop it upon the now defenseless Tripp. Tripp finally fell back and as he did so, he opened his clenched left hand then a burst of hot stardust scorched Gaff's face black as well as blinding him. His helmet with the front brim melted away flew into the hillside.

Bloodcurdling screams came out of Gaff as he rolled upon the snow in an indescribable pain. Tripp had seemingly disappeared where he had fallen. Slowly Deneb walked toward the incapacitated mercenary while drawing her blade. She looked down upon him then said in a cold clear tone "I'm going to cut your little fingers off then slice your thumb off, if you somehow survive this it'll end up with you being treated like a disabled child. That is if you decide not to go the cowards route and slice your throat open". All of a sudden Deneb felt something grab her ankle. She looked down to see a dark purple void opening below her and a dainty hand upon her boot. The hand pulled her down into the void as she screamed, all went black.

The sole survivor ran down to Gaff and had a horrified look upon his face upon seeing what was once Gaff's face. "Where is my... Blade. Help... me u...p" Gaff coughed out. The mercenary grabbed his blade then helped the burned man up. "Heres your blade sir" said the mercenary as he handed it to Gaff. Gaff started mumbled some words then stabbed the mercenary. Gaff let go of the now dead man then touched his face which now looked as if he had a bad sunburn. "Might have to kill someone else, at least I can see now" He said to himself as he now stumbled down the mountain.


The sound of light footsteps on a wood floor brought Deneb back to the world of consciousness. She opened her eyes slowly to see a dark purple everywhere, no discernible features other than a vast expanse of nothingness. A woman with blond hair blue eyes wearing a violet colored dress almost appeared out of nowhere then looked down upon Deneb who was reaching for a knife no longer on her belt. Deneb looked up then said in a hostile tone "Where am I, where is Tripp? Who are you? I'll... bite you"!

The woman giggled for a brief second then sat down almost as if there were a chair there. "For one I am the one behind the spiriting away, you really shouldn't be afraid of me and two your in my little realm where I sleep most of the time then onto three". She pointed behind Deneb where she looked over to see Tripp sleeping in an eerie silence.

"Then why are we here and why shouldn't I be afraid of someone who dragged me away" Deneb questioned her as she made herself more comfortable. "Well, he cried out for help and I'm here to take him back to where he belongs. I figure I'd be polite, tell you and not dump you somewhere else. Your a lot older than me by a few eon's and by all rights I'm surprised you haven't turned me to dust, but I'm assuming its the oddball who is in charge at this very moment.

Deneb shook her head then said in a defiant tone "Well you can't have him, hes mine".

"I do not see any chains upon him, so how is he yours? I wouldn't have grabbed both of you if I did not have the best of interest for him" She replied as she opened a void where she grabbed a cup with steam pouring out of the top of it. "Tea?" She questioned.

Deneb shrugged and a cup of tea was all of a sudden beside her. It smelt like strong herbs.

"Well, hes the first person to actually listen to me in a far far long over there far time and I'm tired of being alone. Usually people toss things at me or something. Can't really remember" Deneb said as she grabbed the cup.

"Hm, and the first thing you said to him in any seriousness" the woman asked as she sipped her tea.

"That the moons are made of cheese you know, nasty soft gross cheese. That is why they're full of holes. He says they're made of nasty dusty rocks" Deneb said as she started to drink the tea. "This could use honey, its nasty" said Deneb as she put the empty cup down.

The woman spat her tea out in laughter. "The tea is better for you if it is without sweetener, it warms the soul says the herbalist" She said then explained "The moon isn't made of cheese, he is right on the one point but he does not realize that those with all of eternity to themselves have an undying city up there where even the flowers do not wilt. I do not know about your moons though".

Deneb went eerily quiet for a second then said "Those people cut him up after I presume he went after them one night, something about a blood moon".

The woman rubbed her forehead then said "If I had known he was out that terrible night I would have whisked him away, but I will not beat myself up over it like he would. It is bad for the spirit to have regrets over things you have little to no control over. It seems he has lost his old locket".

Deneb held it out then said in a quizzical tone "This one"?

The woman grabbed it from Deneb without moving and flicked it open. "That is the man I remember, time has not been kind for him. Oddly enough it feels like only a few weeks have passed since I last spoke to him. It is a shame the Lady met a cruel end that couldn't have been prevented. I probably wouldn't have spirited him away in the first place if she were still breathing, it is amazing what people will do to sate their grief. Spilling blood for money or trying to cut oneself's guts out isn't good for the spirit either" She explained as a look of wistfulness overcame her face.

"I've seen her once before, she isn't nice. Very mean spirited and cruel to those around her" Deneb said as she looked toward the unconscious Tripp then grabbed his breadbag.

"That changes everything. Your a very brave person to take that from him, yet again I do not expect a witch to not be a thief on the side" She said to Deneb who was going through the bag.

"What do you mean mean that changes everything and brave people are the foolhardy ones in the grave" said Deneb who was still looking through the bag.

"I think why he didn't stay put is because he never made peace. I tried to merely touch something of his once and he put a gun in my face, hes very defensive of his personal property, yet again who isn't when they're living out of a rucksack" The woman said to Deneb who has seemed to find what she was looking for.

"I think you'd be the person to ask about this" Deneb said as she held out the pocket watch with the broken chain.

A surprised look came over her face as she said "The maid's pocket watch, what a turn of events this day has been". She went quiet than said with a serious tone "You may keep him until he finishes his business so make the most of your time for I will come and get him when the time is right. You must promise me that you will not beg, cry or scream when that time comes and... keep him safe for some people deserve to not die with such burdens and tragedy upon their shoulders".

Deneb had a stubborn look on her face, then it faded to a frown and she nodded in agreement for she realized she had no bargaining power.

"We'll have tea at a later date then. You seem to brimming with life, so I do think you'll do a good job at making the most of your time" The woman said as Deneb still had a disappointed look upon her face.

Deneb turned and looked at Tripp who had not budged since she awoke. She turned back towards the woman who now was right beside her holding a helmet that was colored with a greenish grey paint with a little decal of a phoenix holding a crooked cross on the side of it.

"Sorry for doing this" the woman said as she conked Deneb. She lost consciousness.


The sound of steam being released as well as machinery working woke Deneb up. She opened her eyes to see the two of them were in a carved stone hall with pipes running through the walls and alongside them.

"Your awake, how'd we get here" Tripp said in an accusative tone as he was sitting against the opposite wall drinking out of his odd flask, his eyes were slightly bloodshot.

Deneb couldn't tell if she had dreamed the previous events but the horrible taste of that herbal tea still lingered on her tongue. "I... I do not really know" she lied as she stood up.

"I'd be quiet, you'll be able to hear them" Tripp said in a quiet tone of voice.

It took a second but Deneb could hear odd clicking, chattering and screeched below them as well as heavy thud from something that stirred up whatever was making the screeching sound.

"We have to turn back, I really do not want to find out what is down there" She said in a concerned tone.

"We're almost upon the banks of the Volga Deneb. There is no turning back for an unstoppable force has been unleashed. The chips are on the table, the cards dealt and the hand isn't looking so good. Whatever is below us is also above us, turning away will probably kill us in the same fashion as what lurks in the depths below, but I assume they assume we'll go up. We have the ticket, so we must take the ride, it flows according to the whims of a Great Magnet, we'd be fools to defy such a thing" Tripp said as he put his mail over his bruised chest then his leather coat with the bread bag.

He started to slowly follow the corridor down then stopped to say to Deneb "Staying here isn't a very bright idea, probably shiny things down in the deeper sections".

She let out a sigh then followed Tripp quietly for there really was not another other option in the matter. The echoing of the machinery deep down drowned out their footsteps.

1 comment

  1. Ithildin
    • premium
    • 69 kudos
    Delightfully dramatic chapter. I'm afraid of what the future may hold for Tripp after this ... hope it will be a long lifetime before he's finished with his aforementioned business. I think Deneb would have a very hard time managing without him (though she'd probably never admit it).