Black Landscape

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  1. Montbello Knight
    Montbello Knight
    • member
    • 221 kudos
    This looks like you may have modified the landscape with the "Edit Colors" box checked. If that was the case, just use that same function to erase it, it is easy.
    1. deleted31005
      • account closed
      • 223 kudos
      thanks but its fixed now, the cell already had 7 landscape textures in it so I had to remove one first.
  2. Ironman5000
    • supporter
    • 404 kudos
    I believe this happens when the cell already recognizes 4 (ish) existing landscape textures which is the cap in the CK. If you're making a new worldspace try to limit it to 4 at most, or swap one as you reach a new region...i'm guessing this is why you posted?

    The 'cell' I mentioned is a single grid ref, just in case that wasn't clear - I first found this when trying to edit vanilla exterior cells, one grid would be fine but the next which already had 4 textures would start rendering black like this

    ...and an endorsement, why not?
    1. deleted31005
      • account closed
      • 223 kudos
      thanks iron for the assistance!
      I fixed it, I had to open the landscape editor, keep left mouse button down and then press " i " to open more options, then I could remove or replace landscape textures.
      This black stuff happens when you have 7 textures in one cell, meaning if you try to place an 8th it becomes back so you have to remove one first.