A sword for a Maiden - Jordis

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  1. Modd3r
    • member
    • 97 kudos
    Thank you all for the kind words, I'm glad you liked this story
    I'm working on other followers, so stay tuned!
  2. dudoka
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Dude not bad not bad.
    But there is lore pls check before you write something. Mainly imperials fight in legion
    1. Modd3r
      • member
      • 97 kudos
      "They are mostly made up of Imperials; however local recruiting has increased the amount of Nords in the Legion." (in the wiki you posted)

      They don't call it "Skyrim civil war" for nothing, and if you play that questline you find out how many Nords are actually in the Legion (and IN SKYRIM they are way more than the Imperials) and which Skyrim's cities are allied with them.
      Maybe you didn't play that questline..?
  3. soul2blade
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Wow what a powerful story mate! This gives the characters much more liveliness to them now that i read this. Please do continue this series.
  4. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 276 kudos
    Wonderful shots and a powerful story
  5. Caelrya
    • account closed
    • 161 kudos
    ...awesome. Its like a movie trailer of a real, real big thing.
    You have awesome skills - in taking images and writing storys <3
  6. Kamikazekossori
    • supporter
    • 252 kudos
    Wow such a tale filled with emotion of one who once felt trapped by her life, by her duty to her family, that army bringing some freedom but also that sorrow of the death of fellow soldiers, which nearly made her entirely abandon the warrior's path but she had that determination and will to accept to be the protector of the next Thane ^^
  7. Serindas
    • supporter
    • 71 kudos
    Ottimo lavoro anche questo, screenshots, storia e remake del personaggio 
  8. frank213
    • premium
    • 824 kudos
    brilliant pictures to a fantastic story.
    absolutely awesome