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This user's image description contains 6 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.
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As we approach the 2 year anniversary of Skyrim, take a look back at some of the first images on the Nexus and reminisce... it's been a long, strange, and wonderful trip.
Much love,
I want to say first of all I'm not very good at English, but still need to register that I am a great lover of this game. I have followed the work of many people and I've seen a lot of these wonderful works and its particularly is one that has kept me here on the nexus and the game itself.
The especially you my congratulations, because people like you make a difference to keep people like me and many others as passionate about this game will never be over by the beautiful artistic work that gives us our continuity.
And thank you too, Marc
Thanks you for this art!
Nicely done!