The Tools of Kagrenac Promo Poster 3 - Imperfect

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As you may know today is 11-11-13, which means Skyrim was released today 2 years ago!
Enough reason for something special!

So, I created a few posters for the upcoming Tools of Kagrenac mod to give everybody a nice little teaser of what's to come. There's 4 of them. Hope you guys like what you see!

Btw, we're entering testing phase real soon. Let me know if anybody is interested in helping us out!:)


  1. Asketism
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Any estimates when this mod will be ready? It really seems fantastic. As a Morrowind fanatic myself this looks really good.
    1. PrivateEye
      • premium
      • 877 kudos
      Hopefully May, if all goes well.
    2. emieri00
      • member
      • 27 kudos
      oh great! can't wait
  2. greenalchemist
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I am curious to see if this is a dwemer construct or not as Sotha Sil built the only in-game Imperfect to appear in the Elder Scrolls series. It could be dwemer though as the Imperfect and the Clockwork City in general seems to have been built using dwemer technology.
    1. PrivateEye
      • premium
      • 877 kudos
      This will be a Dwemer Imperfect. The relationship between the Dwemer Imperfect and Sotha's Imperfect is not explicitly explained in the mod, though we dropped some hints.