Exileheart part 5

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Part 1 :
Part 2 :
Part 3 :
Part 4 :

“Irileth, my housecarl, and Audva never got along,” Balgruuf told me. “But then neither of them were particularly easy to get along with. At first I thought it started when Audva was preparing to leave for Bleak Falls and Irileth made some passing comment about her not needing the bow because it’d be useless in the cramped quarters of a barrow. Audva gave her standard icy stare for a very long time before answering, ‘the strength of a bow is in the wide range of options one has in their use, and cramped quarters work both ways. If I can shoot you from a place you can’t get to, then I can keep shooting.’ Irileth growled and reached for her weapon, but didn’t draw it. I intervened and nothing further was said.

“Later Irileth noted that Audva carried the Mace of Molag Bal, and that Molag Bal was an adversary of her people in ancient times. She cautioned me against trusting one who works for the daedra, especially the daedra lord of domination.

“When Audva came limping back to Dragonsreach, Irileth drew her blade, but immediately sheathed it once it became obvious that her adversary was not a threat. At the time I was listening to reports of a dragon attack and decided to give Audva and Irileth a common goal, hoping it would allow them to move past their differences, so I sent them both out to investigate this attack. Irileth objected at first, but I assured her that she’d need the aim of a competent archer, which I’d heard Audva to be.

“After that, well, everything changed.”

Continued in part 6 :

1 comment

  1. Spaceritual
    • premium
    • 515 kudos
    good scene and an interesting tale indeed