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This user's image description contains 10 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. lordburnch
    • member
    • 69 kudos
    What did you use for the poses? Great shot, it really brings out the charismatic side of Uther Ice-Mane. By the way did you know that there are Ice-Manes in Bloodmoon?
    1. Aesir
      • premium
      • 42 kudos
      It's a combination of Pinup Poser (now hosted on its own website), Puppeteer Master and extensive use of MFG console commands, to bring out subtle eye and mouth movements that make all of your characters look human instead of lifeless dolls. I'm so glad those were brought back to Skyrim 1.9+, I don't mind telling you.

      It really helps to have your friend turning his own character into a standalone NPC for you to use for storytelling, too.

      As for the Ice-Manes in Bloodmoon: you are correct! There was an Ice-Mane hut in TES III Skaal VIllage. My own character, however, belongs to a different house that is not related to the Skaal.
    2. lordburnch
      • member
      • 69 kudos
      Thanks I use puppeteer, and MFG codes for mine. I will have to look into this other mod. Its good to see a fellow Morrowind player.