Seems another dragon makes the mistake of facing Blake and the mighty swings of her axe, his voice of fire only making her all the more fierce a foe as the flames roar around her, one is not wise to make her angry ^^
"Here, lemme make that big, STUPID grin on yer scaly face just a bit BIGGER" ^^ sez Blake, bezerking with her battle-rage...." >Whoosh-CHOP!!< The Dragon bellows it's last roar as it dies, it's face and skull brutally cloven practically in half^^....Blake quickly quaffs a large healing potion for her painful burns as she absorbs yet another Dragon-soul....^^ Endorsed. Warm and kind thanks, Irina, and cheers, dear!
The Dragon bellows it's last roar as it dies, it's face and skull brutally cloven practically in half^^....Blake quickly quaffs a large healing potion for her painful burns as she absorbs yet another Dragon-soul....^^
Endorsed. Warm and kind thanks, Irina, and cheers, dear!