Moonpath to Elsweyr - mod for 24h timecycle

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  1. ScorpionSK
    • member
    • 99 kudos
    Unfortunately I'm not allowed to publish this small plugin due permission restrictions from the original author, muppetpuppet.
    In Posts section of his mod, in second post muppetpuppet wrote:
    I appreciate a lot of people simply want more moonpath and. But I am no longer the modder to give that, I've made all the assets I made, available to the modding community for that reason.

    If he wrote this, is it means that he give permissions to everyone? Or am i incorrectly understand something?
    I also really interested in this question: if author wrote something like this, can i trust him and modify and upload his mod (of course with giving credits to him but without asking), or i still need to ask permissions before? Can someone give more detailed explanation to this situation?
    1. Ablaze666
      • premium
      • 348 kudos
      The permission tab says the opposite and I'm confused, too.
      Best thing would be to ask himself I guess.
    2. ScorpionSK
      • member
      • 99 kudos
      Yes i see
      Then better and safer not to mess with author who contradicts himself, and don't to touch his mods. At least this is better than be banned due to misunderstanding of his strange permissions policy.
      Sad but true.

      But maybe authors simply forget to change permissions tab when they decide to give permissions to all, or maybe this tab is not editable after release of the mod. I'm still not sure.
    3. ScorpionSK
      • member
      • 99 kudos
      But in nexus file posting interface, in permissions section there is interesting thing:
      You cannot allow other mod authors to modify or use your resources and then change your mind and expect them to remove your content from their work. As such; if someone releases a file using some of your content before you change your distribution permissions then the staff here will always rule in favour of the person who used your resources as you gave your permisison before changing your mind.
  2. lubiemroczne
    • member
    • 0 kudos