Exileheart part 7

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(minor spoilers)

Witnesses who were present when Audva absorbed a dragon soul have given varying accounts, including large displays with great wind, fire, lightning, quakes, weather changes, and all manner of utterly fantastic effects. Through all the reports what I’ve managed to piece together is these things : firstly that much of the dragon’s flesh and sinew would be destroyed, leaving little more than bone and a few scales. Secondly, the event was visible for some distance even during the day. Again exactly what transpired is lost to the veil of history, but all seem to agree that whatever went on, people in the surrounding areas knew about it.

All of Audva’s traveling companions left various statements about being present during a dragon slaying, and all seem to agree that it had a noticeable affect upon the Dragonborn. Erik, the famed “Slayer of Hagravens,” noted that he always thought Audva was suffering incredible amounts of pain, while Brelyna Maryon told me, “It was obviously very enjoyable for her, and she’d usually comment afterwards about how she’d never get tired of it.” Jordis the Sword-Maiden, long-time compatriot and wife to Audva, once wrote of it as, “The most incredible combination of beauty and power I’ve ever seen, and likely ever will see.” Historians however note that the statement may have been a general reference to her opinion of Audva in combat and not specifically related to dragon-killing.

It should be noted that Audva was not a “hero” in the classic sense.She slayed dragons and various evil-doers in Skyrim, saved the College of Winterhold (and perhaps all of Skyrim), fought to re-unify the people, and supposedly defeated Alduin, but in all cases her motivations were personal, and in some cases selfish. Her opposition to Alduin is a perfect example. Aela, who took over as Harbinger of The Companions after Audva’s departure, told me, “She believed that if she absorbed Alduin’s soul she’d become a god. Everyone assumes she was trying to save the world, but I don’t know if she really cared enough about the world to save it. Why care about a world full of rabble who exiled you and never liked you except for what you could do for them? Not that I’m defending her actions, mind you, but I don’t think she was an altruist in this. She wanted to be a god like Tiber Septim. Come to think of it, maybe that’s what happened to her, maybe that’s where she went. After all, no one actually knows for sure what happened in Sovngarde, do they?”

Continued in part 8 :

1 comment

  1. Spaceritual
    • premium
    • 515 kudos
    once again a wonderful scene and story