ENB Dilemna

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I'm trying to decide if using an ENB regularly is worth the 30+ fps hit on my GTX 570.

Shots looking as good as this one don't make it any easier. :D

I'm spoiled by 60 fps "stock"... but running this ENB just looks so good...


  1. chiknnwatrmln
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    Turn off water, depth of field, ambient occlusion and AA. Those are the most taxing aspects of ENB.
  2. cocodojo
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    Some ENBs really doesn't impact your game that much, but some does drop your fps by quite a bit, although its nothing you can't adjust to unless it REALLY makes the game stutter badly enough that you're going through the game like stop motion animation. I've tried several ENBs and each one does impact the game to some amount, but in the end... its always worth the effort.

    I'm currently using K ENB Extensive (The Living Daylights), which is supposed to really be hard on your PC, and I still run around the game fairly well with a lot of mods including many HD texture mods (check my screenshots if you just want to see). Was all this modding worth it? I'd say yes, game looks beautiful for my personal taste, still runs smoothly enough that I don't notice any stuttering overall.

    In the end, the only opinion that really matters is, "Is it worth it for YOU?" Your screenshot looks pretty nice though, but does it impact the game a lot?
  3. deleted900561
    • account closed
    • 7 kudos
    i dont use enb's, all i use is the enhanced lighting and fx coupled wiht that fxaa injecter and my skyrim looks awsome. i have a gtx 570 aswell. not much of a performance hit for me, granted i dont need better graphics to play skyrim