White Phial WIP

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White Phial replacer I'm working on. Not happy with the texture yet at all, white is a very hard colour to work with.


  1. Madcat221
    • premium
    • 826 kudos
    Is it going to have a "Broken" and "Functionally mended" mesh? Quintus may have restored its function, but he is but an amateur and it should show on the bottle with the medieval tape and whatnot.

    From the name of the creator, I surmise that the White Phial may have actually been a pre-Sarthaal Falmer creation. "Curalmil" sounds like an elven name, not a nordic name. Maybe you can get some inspiration by studying their design motifs in Dawnguard.
    1. Saerileth
      • premium
      • 372 kudos
      I'm trying to get the general feel of the phial right, so I'm modeling it as I imagine it originally looked before I do the broken / mended versions. I'll add the cracks and reparations later. I realise it shouldn't be perfectly restored, but I don't like the black tape much... it's just ugly. Lets see if I can find a middle way. Something imperfect, but still visually pleasing.

      Thanks for the info on the Snow Elf background, I was looking for some sort of detail to add, some markings or design. I haven't actually played the Dawnguard questline yet, but I'm sure I can glimpse a bit of inspiration without spoiling too much.
  2. reyzark
    • member
    • 17 kudos
    it looks quite bland to me, what about some runes or markings on the sides?
  3. MushRush
    • supporter
    • 58 kudos
    a touch of marble texturing will make it perfect

    your work looks looks great
  4. FalqonOne
    • member
    • 33 kudos
    Looks very cool, perhaps add some more noise(like marble) to the texture, and maybe make it a little transparent. (Im not experience with the texture/modeling program you work, but just a suggestion)

    I really like it so far, would be cool (if you enjoy this further) to overhaul all the potions in skyrim and make a different kind of potion for stamina/magic/health. Just an idea