Skyrim Barber

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  1. falloutperson416
    • supporter
    • 158 kudos
    There have been a few barber mods already released, however to my knowledge this was the first mention of a barber mod so it's not dead. Infact, much progress has just been made.
  2. Adversary16
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    It would be an immensely welcome addition to the game for me!
  3. falloutperson416
    • supporter
    • 158 kudos
    Thanks everyone

    Dialog is the tricky thing here... I did a lot of dialog for NV but the entire system is changed. I've sorted through most of it, now I just need to get the NPC to use it.
  4. Spaceritual
    • premium
    • 515 kudos
    sounds interesting indeed
  5. TadasJA
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    At last !!
  6. BrianShort
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Excellent! that's such a good idea! hmm... I wonder if there is a variable for the length of hair somewhere. perhaps attached to the hair model itself? or maybe that stuff is only used by the model creator that Bethesda used to make the actual model... well what I'm getting at is that it would be neat if hair grew, too, kinda necessitating barbers rather than just having them there. it would help with immersion, don't you think? well, it's just an idea. barbers sound neat either way. : 3
  7. zzjay
    • premium
    • 2,789 kudos
    looks good