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Not a good photographer,so any suggestions for improvements would help


  1. ShortyCHK
    • supporter
    • 23 kudos
    It's a good picture, you can pretty much utilize some of the same techniques from normal photography. However as the others before me have said, just take as many pictures as you can of whatever strikes your fancy. You will see improvement by yourself in no time! Heck you will even wake up in the dead of night thinking: Uuuuh, that would be an interesting idea for an image! - Jump up and start loading the old pc - that could also just be me...
  2. LillenB
    • member
    • 51 kudos
    As at least some of the people who know me and my earlier pix will know, I love this tree, so you're already at an advantage lol.

    One thing I can say, though, is that it will really help with these kinds of shots to either have a torch or lantern handy, or, use a mod such as: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13457/?
    to keep your characters face well lit. It almost looks like you might already be using facelight, but it could just be how your enb handles, I'm not sure.
    I also wanna say that, even aside from the fact it's at the gildergreen, I like the look of the background, it's got an intense, bright vibe, so just be aware of that when you're keeping an eye out for potential shots. However, I will say that the sky and lighter area of the image are pretty heavily blown out, so you may wanna tone down the direct lighting within your enb, but it's up to you whether you want that look or not.

    Overall though, it's a nice shot. Good looking character, looks like you have good instinct for framing, you've even got letterboxing which never hurts.
  3. 0nelazyBattlemaga
    • premium
    • 252 kudos
    That a good image, I endorsed it. Shoot what you like to shoot, there's a lot of variety here.
    1. FrostReavers
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Thank you,I really appreciate it, do you have any advice or suggestion to improve for my future images
    2. AmeAstral9
      • supporter
      • 185 kudos
      I agree with OneLazyBattlemaga. Shoot whatever catches your eye. You will pick up on things as you go and soon have your own style and unique perspective. Chances are there will be others who appreciate it!

      Nice eyes on your Lady. ; ) Endorsed~