Shattered fragments of the past meet in veins on the stained glass

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  1. ShortyCHK
    • supporter
    • 23 kudos
    stunning and very dramatic pictures! The last 3 are very intense, I really like the look of your character, she is no shrinking violet, I love it when female characters have a strong look to them, they are here to fight and survive after all.
    Great work
    1. ipomoeaalba
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      That's exactly what I go for when I create my characters. It just doesn't feel right to have a glamorized little girl swinging a sword in such an unforgiving environment. I like to embrace the grittier side of things.
    2. ShortyCHK
      • supporter
      • 23 kudos
      Well amen to that! I don't mind attractive characters, I make them myself and your character still is attractive but also has bucket loads of character to her. I mean, that face looks like it has seen at least 100 battles and she has obviously lived to tell the tale.
    3. ipomoeaalba
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      I'm like that too. I think most people like their player characters to be attractive to some extent but it just doesn't feel right if they don't look like they can handle themselves too.
    4. ShortyCHK
      • supporter
      • 23 kudos
      We could probably sit here agreeing with each other all day. When I play a shield maiden, I like her to look like she could swing a full grown man over her shoulder, kick a dragon in the face and then clear a couple dozen forts - that usually involves some muscle, scars and fearsome warpaints - oh and functional armour.
      When I play my characters I like to get completely immersed in the game and I just can't relate to a glamazon.
      Of course the appeal of this game is that you can play it in any conceivable way.