Father Daughter bonding

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Just a silly screenshot of my argonian and his khajiit kid


  1. Teabag86
    • premium
    • 482 kudos
    How did you get a Khajiit kid???
    1. StikTrooper
      • premium
      • 39 kudos
      I made her myself, using resources from the nexus and (thankfully CLOTHED) child mods from Lovers Lab. The skin textures were from one of Nuska's mods, but I forget which. She does have a follower, but it's not on the Nexus as I intended her for personal use, as well as the use for some friends. If I did release her, I would need to get some permission from the creators of her assets.

      I do believe that there are ready made khajiit children and even argonian children on the nexus, as of now though.
    2. Teabag86
      • premium
      • 482 kudos
      Thanks very much for your response. I checked for Khajiit mods and there are children available but not as followers. A shame really because it would make a great role play story. kudos to you!
  2. Shutt3r
    • supporter
    • 552 kudos
    This is just awesome! Great work on that kitty.