Rodari Boys

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Three Rodari men in Lordrakhan.

Rodari are a race solely dependent on magic; although that doesn't mean there isn't warriors.
At birth Rodari always have markings all throughout their bodies, These marks can be any colour and loosely change on their mood. (Blue turns purplish when angry, towards red. It is because of this that I jokingly call them Elven Rainbows or Elven Moodrings.)
Most of the time these markings will determine what type of person they will turn out to be.
In rare cases they can be born with white or black markings. Rodari with white markings usually turn out to be good leaders with righteous morals.
Rodari with black markings are always very powerful when it comes to magic, but they are very susceptible to corruption; So, they are usually killed at birth. Rare cases have happened in turn where a Black Light Rodari has become the leader of the Rodari Kingdoms, but this is an unorthodox case.

(In their actual lore, they aren't elves. Just sayin'. I used Bosmer to make them in Skyrim, obviously.)

-- WeLiVeR