Polygon Madness

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I decided to import the full resolution mesh of the carved necklace I'm currently working on into Skyrim. Why? Because I can, and for the fun of it, and mostly to see how much this Engine can handle in terms of polygons.

The answer is, it can handle a friggin lot. We're talking about almost 100'000 triangles and over 50'000 vertices in a single mesh. There isn't even a normal map on it in this shot. You can see my framerate in the upper left corner, this is on Ultra High ini-settings (custom tweaked), 2k textures in the background (but no ENB), all running on a very dated Radeon 5700.

This should dispell once and for all the myth that anything below 10k polygons has even the slightest impact on performance unless you're playing on a potato. Texture resolution is the real enemy of your framerates. And ENB, of course, depending on which preset you use.

Not that I intend to use the full 100k tri mesh for release, I just wanted to take some pretty screens and haven't gotten the normals baked yet. And I felt the need to share this little experiment.


  1. jmenaru
    • supporter
    • 1,581 kudos
    I believe the nif format can handle 60k maximum, or at least from what I remember.
    1. Saerileth
      • premium
      • 372 kudos
      That's true, unless you split the mesh up into different NiTriShapes, at which point the poly-count becomes unlimited. In this shot, the cat / fox heads, the pendant, rope and beads are all seperate shapes (in fact Blender refused to export the mesh until I split them up). So no, my 100k poly-count is not exaggerated, I did actually do this.