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It's been almost a year since I "lost" Skyrim (effing SSD got fried... and I never got around to re-installing it, had other stuff to do... )

So now I am going through all the weird voodoo modding, CTD, lame performance, ENB tweaking... again... and occasionally even a bit of actual game play... don't we all love it? ;-)

Hirlok, my old archer-mage, is just being re-created and starts to feel at home again - now Skyrim even has his beloved RAVENS, and on seeing one, he actually started a little happy dance. 

He is quite a childish old guy, just like me... ;-)

Expect more. 

[Skyrim with way too many mods for my little Y500 gaming laptop to handle, ENB is Somber 3]


  1. Queenieangel
    • premium
    • 461 kudos
    He looks very good for his age and it looks like he is still agile!!
    1. Hirlok
      • supporter
      • 17 kudos
      LOL ty - he was not "finished" at that time (which char ever is...) and in the meantime he is a bit less ripped and has a softer cuddly milkdrinker belly, hehe... ;-)
  2. theoldfathan
    • member
    • 201 kudos
    Welcome back.
    I've never finished Skyrim either.
    Mine always crashes and I end up with bad save files and have to reinstall.
    Have fun.
    1. Hirlok
      • supporter
      • 17 kudos
      LOL - yeah, same here... and then there was THAT awesome-looking nice little mod, definitely would not do any harm to my load order, woult it????LMAO
  3. Isleen
    • supporter
    • 126 kudos
    Awesome. This guy looks crazy dancing in the wilds, whether he's an elder character what I much appreciate.

    Keep on showing us more !
    1. Hirlok
      • supporter
      • 17 kudos
      thanks for your kind words, Isleen!

      Hirlok (with the help of an adopted little wolf and some other friends, incl. the chatterbox Vilja) is currently busy exploring the main story line - I actually never "finished" the game, got lost in modding along the way, LOL

      Let's see if he snaps some pictures along the way... ;-)