Deathwing Inspired Alduin Revisited

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As a side project, I'm going to be re-doing my Deathwing Inspired Alduin mod, with brand new textures made from scratch. I decided to render this out with the full mesh and no textures. At 21 million polygons, this thing would blow computers up if put into Skyrim :P

This is the first paint, so there are no textures or colour as of yet.

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  1. kensmalice
    • supporter
    • 10 kudos
    He said no textures cause that is a zbrush render he's showing currently and that is the actual mesh, it would really blow up quite a few computers (mine I know it would) LOL
    1. johnskyrim
      • premium
      • 7,083 kudos
      Exactly! I have a good computer with a current video card and I was down to about -10fps in 3ds Max haha
  2. LillenB
    • member
    • 51 kudos
    No idea what you're talking about when you say it has no textures, but that is one shiny fuggin picture (not literally). Glorious.