Burn the King - new Jyggalag ENB test run

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  1. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 879 kudos
    Great and amusing tale of Hirlok and Zoyla! I feel biased commenting on shots :p They do look nice though

    I notice the blur sometimes gets out of control as well - price paid I guess for fancy tools.
    1. Hirlok
      • supporter
      • 17 kudos
      LOL - thanks Wolf - you should be biased, this is one of the few presets that make almost anything look great, even on an underpowered rig. Which btw. is one of my messages here: I will never be able to "compete" with the Titan-upperclass screenarcher nobility with my slow ass setup, but it is fun to make things look decent with 2k textures and performance presets - in the right light stuff still looks great!

      Guess for regular gaming this DES DoF stuff will stay off - the damage esp. to foliage (not lods but the real trees that happen to stand in the place where the blur kicks in) that it sometimes does is too annoying for me - poor Aspens and a lot of firs look like our tropical ants here had a go at them... LOL

      Great to have though for portraits, armor reviews and other "staged" stuff...
    2. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 879 kudos
      Aye I have seen the ants effect as well Some of that can be controlled with aperture size and Gaussian radius as well as far/near values. Still for regular playing I often use Soulwynds or the earlier version.