Call to arms

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This user's image description contains 19 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 895 kudos
    Had missed this one - got a chance to catch up a little. Awesome tale of her big experience with the dragon and becoming dragonborn!
    1. PatrickTheDM
      • premium
      • 179 kudos
      Thank you sir! I have gotten close to catching up to you too!
  2. Queenieangel
    • premium
    • 471 kudos
    Absolutely fantastic work!! Great effects!! The fight in the rain are good, because the fire then is not too hot from the dragon..
    1. PatrickTheDM
      • premium
      • 179 kudos
      Thanks! This gif has me laughing so much!
    2. Queenieangel
      • premium
      • 471 kudos
      That's what i want. Glad you like my gifs!!
  3. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 333 kudos
    What a rainy day you choosed for the first fight against a dragon..but things are happen...
    You made wonderful unique pictures of this fight - i like them very much, especially the little rainbow over the death dragon in the picture before the last
    1. PatrickTheDM
      • premium
      • 179 kudos
      Thank you BlackMaid. I almost waited to let the rain stop, but then I thought how crazy the fight might be with it. I am happy you like it.
  4. silas216
    • member
    • 48 kudos
    Good you put all these pictures, the whole story is pretty immersive I loved it
    1. PatrickTheDM
      • premium
      • 179 kudos
      I am pleased you enjoyed it! I had a blast putting it together.
  5. deleted2364420
    • account closed
    • 119 kudos
    great story and images asaforg

    game looks amazing thanks o/
    1. PatrickTheDM
      • premium
      • 179 kudos
      Thank you very much mikie!
  6. frank213
    • premium
    • 830 kudos
    wonderfully told story pictures.
    excellentes work Asa.
    the rain pictures are very impressive
    1. PatrickTheDM
      • premium
      • 179 kudos
      Thank you Frank, I'm happy you like it.
  7. Poupoulou
    • supporter
    • 65 kudos
    Poor dragon.
    Very nice effect!
    1. PatrickTheDM
      • premium
      • 179 kudos
      Thank you Poupoulou. True Storms is the mod.
  8. CuteAsDuck1
    • supporter
    • 285 kudos!
    1. PatrickTheDM
      • premium
      • 179 kudos
      Those few words mean a lot to me, thank you Avalos.
    2. CuteAsDuck1
      • supporter
      • 285 kudos
      Hehe, weekends=lazy days for me.
  9. Osmanli
    • member
    • 70 kudos
    Cool mate, True Storms no 1
    1. PatrickTheDM
      • premium
      • 179 kudos
      Aye! I love the mod! Love, love, love it! Added with a few others, it can be dangerous. Some of the fire in this set is from lightning strikes. Thank you for the comment.
  10. Isleen
    • supporter
    • 127 kudos
    Wow... dont know that you are also a storyteller my friend.
    Very well written and great captured. That rain looks very intense. Wonder that the fires are still burning xD

    Great job. Keep it up.
    1. PatrickTheDM
      • premium
      • 179 kudos
      Thank you Isleen! I like to do short stories with heavy pictures. I am very happy you enjoyed this set. I've done a couple more in the past, but nothing close to what you and Jonathan or Fabrizio write.