A Penny For Your Thoughts

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"Another new Apprentice, I see. Are you of the sort that believe you're here to change the world? Or are you only in it for yourself? I assure you that I shall be watching you -- all of you -- very closely."

Who could not love the friendly Altmer advisor to the safety-obsessed Arch-Mage of the College? A penny for his thoughts. Who knows, perhaps they could be of interest?

This was taken, if I recall correctly, with Somber 3 ENB. It is a pleasant preset, a rather calm one. But it can also be quite dark. It may not have been updated for quite some time, but it still looks nice. The major downside is that it has my graphics card warm up relatively well, reaching about 90 degrees celsius in no time. It might also be due to my incredibly stuffed case, which has certainly not been designed to build a gaming computer into, but I really need everything there currently is in it. Although my graphics card should be able to take it, it cannot be good for the card. Or my gaming experience, as the machine starts to sound like a vacuum cleaner when fan speed reaches 50%. The same goes for most other ENB presets, so I do not actually play with them (at least not the whole time). They also make it harder to spot things and 'see' clearly. But at least ENB helps with screenshots. This one was taken while I was testing Somber 3, so that is why it exists. I just decided to upload it before I delete it. It is not bad. Perhaps it has something. Deceitful tranquility?