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  1. aok
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    Oh this will be great! I love seeing Brosia and Strag all decked out in their pirate gear!
    "Thems what dies will be the lucky ones! Arrrr!"
    Can't wait to see what happens!
  2. AmadanBezerk
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    What a great beginning of a new Saga for 'Brosia and Stragon! ^^
    I like their cool-looking Pirate-gear.
    Those wannabe thugs, BTW, were NO match for that pair of Death-givers.

    Arrr, matey....I be recognizing Rockjoint Island, Where, avast: Japhet's Folly is to be found....
    Great Quest, (Rise In The East) but bugged so as to make it impossible to travel there and back again after the Quest's completion.

    I've always been searching for a mod to fix the above problem, and repair-refurbish the island's fort as a player-home, to no avail so far....
    (That particular idea would serve 'Brosia and Stragon quite well, as remote and discreet base of operations, once the magical fog-bank would be restored, that is.)^^

    Sybren as First Mate? I doubt there would be too much argument on that choice. ^^

    Hearty thanks and cheers, Steven!
  3. Liadys
    • premium
    • 248 kudos
    Yarr matey ! Nice story ! hehe that Sybren sure fits the bill of first mate..woe to anyone who'd be crazy enough to try and take it from him ! The real pirates are in big trouble !

    The animation of giving a pat on the horse neck is from Skyrim horse renewal mod I believe.
    1. pangallosr
      • member
      • 52 kudos
      Thank You.
      Sybren comes from a mod called Icicle Valley..... he has been Stragon's most trusted brother in arms since releasing him from imprisonment.

      I've done so much to my horses.. poor things.... but that could be the one that has the script.
  4. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 880 kudos
    Amusing adventure here - I agree with Shelly, think the best line was about gratification between the legs of Ambrosia lol. So they made it to their sea voyage on time, after the party, I take it. Seems like a fun vacation for two heroes - riding the seven seas (or at least one of them) and getting your ship and crew. Sounds like a lot of fun from the perspective of one not doing the work. Enjoyed the shots and music (nice rousing pirate themed song) and Stragon looks dashing in his Captain's outfit.
    1. pangallosr
      • member
      • 52 kudos
      Thanks Wolf... I do like the ship and will be keeping it.... its a nice way to pass some time.
  5. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 276 kudos
    Oh great story, love the look on Ambrosia's face at the mention of Reyda's name and that Sybren geez, he will fit the bill of pirate easy. So quite the crew you have there. Seems they will be able to handle just about anything either when in port spending their hard earned gold or out on the seas.

    I got a laugh out of the pirates thinking they would sample Ambrosia's womanly assets lol , guess they thought she would not be able to wield those blades she carries.

    Really liked the shot of Stragon finishing off the Pirate first mate.

    Wonder how Vilja and her friend are doing, really should check on them soon well in a week or so ........ they might be getting reacquired .

    1. pangallosr
      • member
      • 52 kudos
      lol..... liked the bit about Ambrosia's assets did you.
      She has nothing to be concerned of any more with Reyda... there is no competition for them.
      Reyda is a fine fighter, not all to bad looking but doesn't quite catch Stragon's eye. She also lacks a shared interests in Stragon's life.

      Vilja and Inigo.. well since Vilja has not returned to Dragon Lords.... we can only assume she is happy to be with her old friend..... unless he led her to some nefarious end.
      Inigo would then be the most hunted creature in Skyrim...... more so than Alduin was.