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The end of a dark clouded day...


  1. Lewahot
    • account closed
    • 51 kudos
    I really. really love this entrance to Whiterun, no matter it´s dawn, sunset or any other daytime. Always a pleasure for my eyes seeing this particular scene of that city. Nice capture mate. All of your images I saw in the last 20 minutes are really overall great and very pleasing, thank you for sharing your views of this great game. Kudos are on the way! :-)
    1. Excellentium
      • member
      • 357 kudos
      And another thank you!

      Very nice to hear you find these shots pleasing to watch, even if they're made with simple settings. I really appreciate all your encouragement!
    2. Lewahot
      • account closed
      • 51 kudos
      Well, all I saw in the first spot was beautyness. I don´t really care about settings. So you´re very welcome. It´s nearly the same like with the endorsement. I don´t really care how many people rate a pic, but a few comments that´s what pleases me. :-) I comment 90% if I like an image.

      Anyway, I will see to your other images soon (many to go) :-) Cheers! I made friends add if you don´t mind. ;-) TC
    3. Excellentium
      • member
      • 357 kudos
      Very kind of you giving all those comments on peoples shots. I myself really appreciate a few written words and I try to give some myself too.

      Nice being friend with you as well, so I don't mind at all!