Sunrise Over the Shores of Solitude

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I had just finished showing Jaree-Ra that double-crossing the Dragonborn was a very bad idea when I spotted this beautiful vista.

I may complain about how Skyrim uses a 6 year old (actually much older) game engine, Papyrus is a buggy mess of a scripting engine that can't handle the kind of stress that Skyrim produces, I can't go 20 feet in-game without hitting a bug, and that I have to spend hours tweaking the .inis to work just right with ENBoost for stability, but you know what?

Sights like this make me not care about that.

Never change Bethesda. Your games may be buggy, crash-prone messes, but they always contain beautifully crafted and atmospheric worlds and I wouldn't have them any other way.

1 comment

  1. DetectiveToaster
    • premium
    • 44 kudos
    Unfortunately, Fallout 4 just doesn't have that atmospheric world. It's a buggy, lag prone, terribly written disorganized mess of a game.

    Fallout 3 was better written! That's saying something.

    Guess I'll just stick to 3 and New Vegas for now.