Dragon over sunset Winterhold

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  1. raccoondance
    • premium
    • 229 kudos
    The second one would have been really nice without the HUD!

    Even if I play with almost no hud, I get restless when the magicka or stamina bar will not go away quickly enough (to lazy to type tm in the console ).

    What we need is a hotkey-able Screenshot mod, that toggles the UI off, takes the shot and finally sets it back to how it was ( I need to start learning how to code in papyrus, to many silly ideas to little time )

    Anyway, great shot!
    1. KunoMochi
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      I used SkyUI to hide all UI widgets and elements but every time an enemy is detected, the widget shows up, as seen in that screenshot. It then stays up and SkyUI seems to lose the ability to toggle it back into hiding. It's really weird...

      I did get another shot with the UI toggled off, but at a slightly different angle since it was more of an unexpected screenshot. You can see that in my next image submission (Frielle on the outskirts of Winterhold)
  2. zjamz
    • member
    • 93 kudos
    Still gorgeous in my opinion, but I totally understand you. I've been a victim of this once or twice, then taking the image the second time can be a little difficult sometimes, depending on the angle of the shot.

    Awesome shot Mochi, lovely shot of one of my favourite places in the whole of Skryim... The college of Winterhold.