The Knowledge of Evil

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They say the first of mankind occurred when Adam and Eve at of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. When they did this, they found out they were naked. Why did they just discover they were naked when they were always naked? Perhaps it is because when we are introduced to the knowledge of good and evil is when we find our individuality and find ourselves.
What are you thoughts on this? I invite you to post them below.
P.S. If you would like a follower for your Skyrim playthrough that rambles about philosophy, I would recommend Aurlyn Dawnstone - The Reclusive Philosopher.


  1. Mewmaster101
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The Tree Of Knowledge was not the knowledge of good and evil, not really. the Tree of Knowlesge held the power of true Free Will. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit, they gained free will. The "curse" of the tree of knowledge was free will, THAT is why Adam and Eve were cast out, because they could act like they wanted without severe pressure from another powerful being (the snake), and thus could "ruin" the garden of Eden.

    This is also the answer to "if god exists and is good, why do bad things happen?" Because with free will, we now govern ourselves, no matter the consequences. The "curse of free will" could be a good way of putting it, but it is, obviously, also a blessing.
    1. micmic25
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      I have to wonder if it was ever the intention of God for us to gain free will then. A painting comes to mind, The Garden of Earthly Delights. In the center of three piece work, is a number of people just seemingly acting out of instinct. Was that God's intention of humanity? Were we meant to be merely a supreme beast to dominate the land? I say this because that was the only tree they couldn't eat from; the only tree that would grant this free will or knowledge. The serpent told the truth when he said, ". . . your eyes will be opened, and you will become like God, knowing good and evil." Who then was the one who misled Adam and Eve in this story?

      I can appreciate the free will defense for what it covers, but one would quickly retort with something like, "What about natural disasters and diseases? They bring calamity, death, and ruin in their wake. No one willed for cancer to fall on my child but there it is.Why did my cousin have to die in a hurricane?" These are just examples for why people are more hesitant to believe in such a god. There has to be a certain amount of faith then to believe in a god that is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good if these things exist in our world.

      There is much more likely more to it than that though.