3D - Pia Swiftrun

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Pia Swiftrun is my WIP teenage race. When time comes, you will know more about it. Until then - :P Hope you like the looks for now. Cheers!

Cross-eye technique, stereoscopic image.

If you don't know how to view stereoscopic images visit my blog and learn it! Hope you like it! ;)

Stereoscopic illusion is achieved when you draw/take photo/take screenshot of some object minding the relative position of your eyes and the angle with which we observe the world. In short and in Skyrim context, you must take a single snapshot from the "right eye" and then move just an inch or two of virtual space, return the cursor aprox back to the focus position of the right eye and take a snapshot for the "left eye". That is the hard part, cos you will have to practice to achieve the slight difference between the two snapshots. Also, be sure to try it when you have atleast 3 depth fields around your character - an object in the foreground, your character in the middle, and a background. The more levels, the greater illusion will be.

tm - disables HUD
tfc - (you must be in 3rd person) free cam
tfc 1 - (you must be in 3rd person) free cam + time freeze
tai - select and freeze enemy or NPC
sucsm 10 - speed for free cam - (10 is default, use from 1-3 for fine tune)

FINAL STEPS: After you've took two screenshots:
- open your image editor software (photoshop, gimp, whatever)
- create the canvas size wide enough to be able to hold both screenshots horizontally
- place the RIGHT eye screenshot on the LEFT end of the canvas
- place the LEFT eye screenshot on the RIGHT end of the canvas
- (optionally - add two dots above the middle of each screenshot it helps beginners to focus - example)
- now decrease the image size cos the smaller the image is, the easier it will be to view (not too small)

AND YOU'RE DONE! Hope you enjoy it! Cheers!