The Wheels Of Lull Final Boss Battle

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  1. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 336 kudos
    Wow, all I have seems to be a very fantastic mod and you had a lot of fun
    Your very creative pics are inviting Have to a few days, I will get the CD and then I will start soon with morrowind....
    1. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 103 kudos
      Start with Morrowind because it is a long set up process. I recommend that you play a little bit before installing MGSO 3.0 so you can laugh at the terrible graphics and poor game mechanics. Don't worry though, if you follow the guide your Morrowind game will be upgraded to modern standards and your character will look great

      edit: Just remember that some of the links to may be to old threads. However those topics will have NEW threads open so just make sure you are reading the most up to date thread. You will know because the admin lock all threads after 200 posts

      If you have any questions just post in the thread as the people there are super friendly but you can always PM me too.
    2. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 336 kudos
      Thank you so much for your inspiration, to try it with morrowind....if I need help, I send you a PM
      I think, I will have a little time for installation and first tests in the end of this year, when I have some days without going at work
  2. frank213
    • premium
    • 830 kudos
    very cool and very creative photos with cool effectsm0117.gif
  3. Queenieangel
    • premium
    • 475 kudos
    Impressive images, but the main picture is my fav!!!
  4. evillicious
    • member
    • 59 kudos
    I spy, with my shining eye!
    1. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 103 kudos
      HA! Ya well he is the real final boss and he was tough. One shot kills tough but I had to show his pet skull that is the boss after the final boss because it was just too funny.

      Are you playing FO4?
    2. evillicious
      • member
      • 59 kudos
      Given my 24/7 work schedule I dunno If the word playing fits, but I kinda spotted some Foxie lookalikes out there. Not yet my taste though:p anyway I am kinda curious if this location is a mod or vanilla as I have never really explored skyrim:p (and dozen of other games that are littering my gaming msi that I use as typewriter most of the time haha
    3. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 103 kudos
      My last 6,7,8 uploads have all been a showcase of the mod, "The Wheels of Lull" by Trainwiz.

      After 6 years of playing Oblivion I tried Fallout 3 but I hated the sound of the guns. I dislike that sound and I avoid TV shows with murders and guns and excess violence. However I love Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead,.. go figure. I like fantasy and science fiction and I can deal with violence in that context. That is why I came back to the Fallout universe once I realized I can play the game as an android and use lazers So after being disappointed with FO3 I dug into TES lore and decided to give Morrowind a try after I found a copy at a garage sale. I fell in love with it and found the game amazing. It made Oblivion look silly. The story was incredible and after a year of modding the game I came across a mod called SSE by Trainwiz.

      Sotha Sil Expanded (SSE) is my second favourite extra content mod I have ever played. It actually completes one of the DLCs called Tribunal, which was a disappointment. This mod not only completed the DLC but expanded it. The mod itself was larger than Tribunal and the lore was well thought out. The mod was also HARD. I mean very difficult. You had to use your brains solving puzzles and also there was an arcade feel to many of the quests. It was different than the rest of the game and it kept getting better and better. I became a Trainwiz fan and have been ever since.

      This mod The Wheels of Lull was a lot of fun. The lore that is the foundation of the mod is golden. I just loved it. It is almost a continuation of SSE in a way and I have been waiting for years to play it. I wasn't disappointed.
  5. evillicious
    • member
    • 59 kudos
    Btw I totally love your Khajit!