Modding Progress

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Been working on this mod for a wee while now, mainly as a learning experience for Tes5Edit, packages, scenes and quests.

The biggest feature, is that I've added around 700 NPCs that travel all of
Skyrim in bands of four. And with an overhaul of Convincing Coinage,
that adds voiced dialogue snagged from the game files, ya can hire 'em.

Ya can, at long last, have a true army to ravage Tamriel with. Pretty damn bitchin' if you ask me.

Gotta see if there are any kinks to work out, and if I fancy adding any lil' quests.

A lil' detailing of the quests (that I remember) I've added so far:


Added a lil' quest where you can bash in Burbag, with Fjola giving a small
monetary reward. And aye, I've given Fjola her actual name rather than
Bandit Chief, and Burbag has been renamed.

Added a captured Dunmer to Bleakfalls Barrow. When you arrive, she yells for your help.
Once you bash in the couple of bandits, you can untie her, with her
following you for a short while. After leaving Bleakfalls Barrow, she'll
travel between, and reside in, The Sleeping Giant Inn and The
Silverblood Inn.

Added a Dunmer woman that resides at Mistwatch. She can be hired, but will become an enemy of the player should you
choose to attack Fjola. Once she has been paid, and is not a follower,
she will travel around Whitewatch.