House in the Forrest

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Clarity ENB

Changed my ENB to something more performance friendly and after some additions to it's effects the result is amazing! 


  1. oldfanboy
    • member
    • 23 kudos
    Honestly I clicked on this because I read it as horse in the forest, but that's an interesting looking abode. Which mod is that? Or is it just a major retexture of Lakeview?

    Either way, looks superb.
    1. Blackjohnbird
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Hahaha! Thanks a lot!
      You actualy found it! It is Lakeview Manor and the textures that it has are from NobleSkyrimMod HD ( It is a big texture overhaul and while it is 2k and doesn't have parallax it is one of the best texture overhauls I've found.