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Thought i'd post some of my actually SFW stuff :v.

I'll get the obvious stuff out of the way:

Her texture's a combination of Mature Skin and SG (plus parts from other stuff that i forget off the top of my head right now), i layered them together and did various other tweaks to get everything working well. Actor's standalone, standalone texture set, the works. I don't recall where the tattoos are from, i retinted the scars to look fresh for this shot, armor textures are all aMidianBorn.

ENB a slightly modified Realvision. I use Realistic Lighting Overhaul, plus a couple of weather mods i'm also forgetting.

Location's also custom, these days i do pretty much all my shots in cells i've made myself. This shot's part of a story blog entry, this particular shot's set in Cyrodiil during the Great War. I'd link the story because i'm not one to shy away from shameless self-promotion, but i have it hosted on a certain NSFW site that's only just now gotten off the blacklist here (or at least, i assume it's off now), so i'd rather make sure i was in the clear first.

I think that covers the obvious enough stuff, though i'm sure i missed other stuff :v.