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This user's image description contains 26 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. User_6005213
    • account closed
    • 200 kudos
    C'est déjà largement suffisant ! Rien n'est impossible dans ce jeu et tu le le prouves, tu fais des choses que je ne peux décrire et encore moins faire.. Splendide !
    1. marmotte
      • premium
      • 357 kudos
      Merci >SImon, c'est gentil. En fait j'ai eu l'impression de me repéter avec ce set. Une impression de tourner en rond. Et puis finalement a la fin, y a pas le "truc" en plus !! tu vois ce que je veux dire.

      Toi qui fais des gros sets de qualité je pense que tu comprends. Je pense que quand tu fais un set , à la fin tu l'analyses et tu espères que l'ensemble soit cohérent et que ça te plaise bien sur

      J'ai douté pour celui ci, c'est tout
  2. aok
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    Brilliant. Get him in the Achilles!
  3. User_6335173
    • account closed
    • 59 kudos
    Nice knight. Your giant is very big.
  4. Lewahot
    • account closed
    • 51 kudos
    Wow! Awesome! I am totally speechlees. Smashing and glorifying, brutal yet artful scenes. And that last shot is brillant & truly epic. A monumental set, definitely.
    Wonderful, remarkable work marmotte!
    1. marmotte
      • premium
      • 357 kudos
      Thank you Lewa. I'm very glad and honored that you watch and like my work..
      Thank you again
  5. NeoNord
    • supporter
    • 50 kudos
    Ummm, I am too bold, but I must say , you need never make excuses for your work. What you do holds most of us in awe of your ability, your skill, your artistic genius. The lighting, as always, grand but especially the close ups of the armor and in the "airs above the ground". "You do wrong your hand too much Pilgrim" as Juliet hath said. Think upon this, were a hero to battle Colossus, it would take time, the light would change as the day wore on and so our vision would register much as it is seen here. It is far too fine a work. Change it if you will, it is, after all, yours and whatever you do will, no doubt be similarly grand. Thank you for sharing it with us, we are much the better for having seen it.
    1. marmotte
      • premium
      • 357 kudos
      Thank you Neo. I'm sure you know that when we create, the final result is not always what we expected.
      It's just a set, nothing important

      I update your text. Thanks again
  6. ScorpionSK
    • member
    • 99 kudos
    This battle scenes are absolutely fantastic and looks epically cool. Don't know what result you have tried to achieve, but even this, what you have actually made, looks really super.
    1. marmotte
      • premium
      • 357 kudos
      Thank you Scorpion. Sorry for the late answer. I post this set just to tell that i like when it's dynamic and logical. I think this set was not. Sometimes we failed. But i keep the idea

      Thank you again for your numerous comments.
  7. zzmaguszz
    • supporter
    • 65 kudos
    Absolutely breathtaking again marmotte, it leaves me at a loss for words, however, it's really wonderful of you to share this with us, I really enjoyed the test(?) set, of course to be your #1 fan you have to be your own worst critic, you are a perfectionist, a masterful artist!
    1. marmotte
      • premium
      • 357 kudos
      Thank you a lot Magus. In my opinion a set with a short story is not an easy task. And sometimes i'm satisfied ( i explain the reasons in the description). But don't be afraid, i always have a lots of ideas and creativity. I can improve this idea too.

      Thank you for your support, you motivate me
  8. NeoNord
    • supporter
    • 50 kudos
    The Colossus comes
    bearing brutal fate
    to all before him
    but a slender hero waits
    with countenance that shows
    no hint of fear
    nor trace of hate
    only graceful skill and a resolve
    stronger, fiercer than her blade
  9. lesjones
    • premium
    • 158 kudos
    It is of course a matter for the artist to decide when a work is finished, but these wonderful images follow a perfectly coherent story as well as being visually stimulating in terms of action, poses, lighting and especially the viewpoints.

    Unfinished, well you say so.......but an excellent visual essay, I say so
    1. marmotte
      • premium
      • 357 kudos
      Yes Les, you find the good expression! A "visual essay". The next try will be with a smaller ennemy.
      Thanks again for your support
  10. deleted7687085
    • account closed
    • 96 kudos
    my jaw smashed on the desk, so it took a moment to find the right words to pay tribute at this set...

    although it is a unfinished set, it is an very interesting idea, the poses are enough to "tell" the story and the sky-colors fit for this

    however, thanks for sharing this masterpiece
    1. marmotte
      • premium
      • 357 kudos
      Thank you Leon. Sometimes we need to make "test" before finding the good solution.

      That was a test and a keep the idea for a future set of course