Tales of a Cold Heart - Entry 4

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Stosha arrived in the Rift, again cautious of her surroundings, she wears her hood and heads west immediately. The city was no place for her, especially while she had a task that needed fulfilling. She let out a sigh of relief as she walked without being stopped by patrolling guards. The trees were as beautifal as ever, and she could not wait to wander their beauty in this late afternoon.   Stosha kicked the leaves as she passed by, but she was not aware of the nearby wolves that howled as they ran towards her. She gasped and looked behind her back. There they were, charging at her like trolls to a deer. Her head became lightweight in the rush of her situation. She could not run from wolves, nobody can. They would hunt her down and pounce upon her before she could look to her rear. However, she had little choice. Armed with only a knife, she ran through the underbrush. With little hope of survival and all hope for a little luck, Stosha moved her legs as fast as she could, closing her eyes and hoping that she would outrun them.   Her blood became violent. She felt her veins quiver with energy and she began to run with a tremendous speed. Stosha's vampiric powers surged through her. She darted through the woods at a speed much greater than a mere wolf, and her legs moved with such momentum that no human eye could see them pass. She looked behind her and saw the wolves and their children lose hope of catching her. As she looked back to her front, she fell. Stosha had hit a log on the ground, and now the wolves gained on her, surrounding the area at which she lay. Now, she was at the mercy of a mother and her pack with little hope of escape....