Memoirs of a Mischa Ch3 - Dawnguard Pt2

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  1. Dibthelegend
    • supporter
    • 309 kudos
    Quite the adventure through the Dawnguard DLC! I think Thieves Guild would make for the best story. Plenty of mystery and betrayal in that quest line. Have fun!
    1. LegacyCloud
      • premium
      • 105 kudos
      Very true, and it would also provide a nice alternate intro to the DB which suits me well (I like to wrap up those two 'bad' factions before heading for the 'good' ones. Never could quite picture the arch-mage of Winterhold turning to a life of pickpocketing and murder!
  2. LegacyCloud
    • premium
    • 105 kudos
    Now that Mischa has finished her tour of duty with the Dawnguard, where should she go next?

    If you would like to influence the path of her adventure, just leave a reply with your preferred direction, else it will be a surprise! Right now the choices are:

    Dark Brotherhood
    Thieves Guild
    College of Winterhold
    Civil War
    Dovahkiin (main quest)