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About this image

My ENB settings are a modification of Superl3's (aka sung9533) ENB v0.4 which uses ENBSeries v102 by Boris Vorontosov.

The screenshot was taken in the Ratway (Riften) during late evening hours in-game, and the sky was mostly clear up through when I entered the sewers.

I spent about an hour or two taking nearly a gazillion snapshots until I was able to catch all the butterflies in as close to the exact positions I wanted them, and even then I wasn't satisfied. I had to edit in an extra butterfly from a deleted screenshot because I was torn between the camera position and one of the butterfly's poses.

Also, please ignore the basket I carelessly tossed aside. I didn't realize it was in the shot until I after I edited in that one butterfly. I'll try to be less careless next time.