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This user's image description contains 2 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. MysticalFlare
    • premium
    • 149 kudos
    Just a quick set I put together while fixing some CTD problems (had to go back to ENB 0.292). Didn't have much patience after half a dozen crashes.
  2. wolfsangeleyes
    • member
    • 159 kudos
    She's very pretty.
  3. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 893 kudos
    Nice ones Mystic. I finally solved my CTD issues with windows 10 and binary 305 (had to do with getting my borderless window settings in sync between the skyrimpref.ini and enblocl settings combined with proper memory settings and Vsync settings.

    Course a few days later after all was stable my PC ran into issues and is currently at the computer repair shop getting the mother board replaced. I think Grim is trying to tell me he, Erik, and Wolfgar want to retexure - as every single time I restart him and get his game going again ... and stable ... something happened. I am almost afraid if I keep trying my home will burn down.

    Anyhow using my spare PC for now and going to do some windows 10 testing on vanilla Skyrim while I wait for my main PC to get back ... and maybe play some other games

    Hope 292 works better for you!
    1. MysticalFlare
      • premium
      • 149 kudos
      I think the background/DoF in the monotone shot is my favourite part of these. The issue I had with 305 is that it kept crashing when loading exterior cells. Interiors were fine of course, but I'm not about to use the console to hop between interior cells.

      Ouch - that sounds rough. At this rate, TES6 will be out before you get your game in working order.

      Still on windows 7 here. Trying (and failing) to play Skyrim, FO4, PoE and W3 all at once.
  4. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 331 kudos
    Simply wonderful pics
    1. MysticalFlare
      • premium
      • 149 kudos
      Thank you BM.
  5. AzureNastoshi
    • member
    • 89 kudos
    Absolutely beautiful, the lady and the overall image
    1. MysticalFlare
      • premium
      • 149 kudos
      Happy you like them.
  6. lordburnch
    • member
    • 69 kudos
    Wow, really well done!
    1. MysticalFlare
      • premium
      • 149 kudos
      Thanks lb!
  7. StandAlone97
    • premium
    • 89 kudos
    Quick or not very nice work Mystic!
    1. MysticalFlare
      • premium
      • 149 kudos
      Appreciate the support!