Karen Gillan 3

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For teh fans.
This outfit looks closest to what timelords would wear I guess.


    • member
    • 180 kudos
    Close enough without ruining the great character you have created.
    Over the decades of the show along with special effect's the costumes have morphed and generally gotten better over time.
    Some early iterations of the time lord's have a winged helmet or crown a little like the crown of barenziah
    Later iterations of the costume of a time lord from the 1980's onward turned the head dress into a giant collar with a skull cap or without but there are several armor's usualy for vampires that do that as well.

    Either way I like her, great work there is a semblance to Karen Gillan whom let's be fair was probably the best looking side kick the doctor ever had, shame they never made the spin off series which was hinted at by the doctors cloned daughter who regenerated after he had left and set off to explore the universe on her own, a half time lord and half future human.
    1. DrStef
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      Thanks very much .
      I haven't kept up with much of it after Tennant but I know Gillan was pretty awesome in it. My favorites are still the pre-reboot originals from the 70ies and 80ies. (yes I am that old)Tom Baker definitely being my all time favorite Dr haha. Best quote from the entire series is still by Tom in the Key of time series:

      "Are you by any chance the Mentiads? (Big grin) "
      "Well because.. you just , look like Mentiads to me... " (Big eyes)