Vampire Knight Update

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Texture for the sword has been remade and had it's resolution increased (it wasn't the best... A little better now). The armor is 4K/2K and the sword is 4K. I also created a female version (might post a pic later) that is the same overall shape but has been modified for the female body. I tried to get a cool looking particle effect for the sword in Marmoset 2 but am currently unsuccessful in my attempts. I'll keep digging to see if it is even possible. With any luck, I will be able to use and modify one of Skyrim's magic effects to use on the sword... We'll see :) All that is left is to rig the armor and do the required CK entries before it's ready.

-Scroll Thief 


  1. Grecia300
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    It's a nice concept, but I usually like my male armors to look really heavy and to make my character look like he has massive muscles. Could you maybe upload a version with a more bulky look to it?
  2. Skyler6669
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Very very cool. I think solid color textures, like a solid black mesh would take the sting out of that greyscale in the armor. The chain might be silvery in hue, while the plate is an old toned metal and then a black cloth texture with red outlining possibly. Just an idea.