Concept for Whiterun in Distinct Skyrim Landscapes

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Previewing some early concepts for Whiterun in the upcoming version of Distinct Skyrim Landscapes and looking for some opinions. Thinking of adding some more Giant influence to the Hold to make it seem like they've been there for thousands of years and left their mark.

Scattering painted stones and the unpainted counterparts around the landscape to give some vertical depth to the landscape.


  1. somevagrant
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    I think it would be an excellent addition to the hold, but I also think you could have more elaborate stone setups in the more remote areas of the plains alongside more worn down stones near the settlements, as to indicate the Nede takeover and the giants having to migrate? Just a thought, but otherwise this looks awesome.
  2. rudy102
    • premium
    • 2,576 kudos
    Great news. Can't wait for the new version