The tale of the laughing fox part 48 - The fall of a dark shadow

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  1. Liadys
    • premium
    • 248 kudos
    The chapter was deliciously intense and epic. Nicely done !! Sorry for the rather short comment..I have alot of catching up to do and still a ton of homeworks to do as well .
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      I am happy you found that intense and epic feeling in this chapter, Lia, was trying to capture that intensity of facing such a dangerous foe as Alduin, glad to hear I captured some of that. No worries, I understand that things can get busy, I hope you enjoy the sets you catch up on
  2. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    Wonderful and very beautifully written chapter! it is great to see main Skyrim quest final with Akhaz'iir and his team! Very lovely and heartwarming moments between Aela and her beloved scout and I always liked her fierce attitude... thankfully in Odahviing case her fears of him betraying Dragonborn trust did not come true. It was very cool to see intense battle between Alduin and Akhaz'iir! I loved Akhaz'iir words about how he carries the confidence and strength that his friends place in him in his heart no matter what distance are between them. And it was double heartwarming to see Akhaz'iir reunion with his team!
    Thank you very much for sharing your wonderful work!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Thank you very much, my friend ^^ I am happy you found it great to see Akhaz'iir and his band take on that dangerous task as Dannee did some time ago. It is good to hear that Aela's fierceness and the care for the scout hidden behind it warmed your heart, Akhaz'iir is fond of her fierce attitude as your are, I find it fun to write. It is fortunate indeed that Aela's suspicions about the Odahviing's intentions did not come true, he is an honorable dragon when he gives his word. It was quite the battle to write about, I am glad it had that intensity to it. I did really want to show the strength that Akhaz'iir finds in his friends in his words, to show he was very much the opposite of Alduin. There was much warmth in that reunion they would be glad to hear you felt some of that warmth.
      Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the tale, Nataly
  3. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 276 kudos
    Wonderful way you finished this quest, with them all looking on , all waiting and pondering on if their friend could do this , great way to do the main quest having every one that has followed , stood alone side Akhaz'iir .

    Love the way you told how the great warriors of old and Akhaz'iir ended the terror of Alduin and of his rejoining with his friends, his family his love.... a great tale with amazing shots to go with it .
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      I am really glad you liked the way I finished the quest, Akhaz'iir have to face a great foe without his friends waiting in the keep, wondering how things were unfolding.

      It is great to hear you enjoyed that final showdown between Akhaz'iir, with the heroes of old at his side, and Alduin and the scout's return among his band. Thank you very much, Shelley
  4. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 329 kudos
    I played only one time the main-quest until the end. It's three years ago and my game was without using ENB. So it's a real pleasure, to see your beautiful pictures ... great memories
    I like, how you connected your story with this fantastic event. You described all so well that I can feel with Akhaz'iir. My special pleasure is, that a khajit plays the dragonborn.... really fantastic.
    I'm glad, he came back to his friends and I'm tuned, what will bring the next part
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      It had been quite some since I did the main quest the first time as well, probably as long ago as it was for you. It makes me smile that you enjoyed seeing the shots in this chapter, that they brought back some memories of the quest
      It is an even I had been thinking of how to tie into my tale for a while. It is good to hear you liked my descriptions of what Akhaz'iir faced. I am fond of Khajiit so I could not help but have one be the dragonborn, I am really glad you liked seeing a khajiit in that role, Blackmaid.
      He is as glad as you that he is back among his friends, I look forward to sharing what happens next
    2. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 329 kudos
      Thank you for your friendly answer...until the next chapter
  5. Queenieangel
    • premium
    • 461 kudos
    Fantastic work, Alexi!!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Many thanks, Angie, glad you enjoyed the story
  6. Kayol
    • supporter
    • 220 kudos
    I like how you created the atmosphere at the very beginning: you conjured that grandiosity of Odahviing in my mind, how heavy his body was as he fell to the ground.The fight scene was also very malleable; and its grand finale, with the mighty beast getting tricked, evoked a great image.
    I really like your take on Aela, by the way: tough, commanding respect, trying not to uncover her true feelings and worries – like fear for Akhaz'iir's safety, for example.
    Again, lots of wonderful imagery painted by your words as you described our scout's journey on the back of the dragon: Skuldafn emerging from the fog, and fighting the draugr and dragon priests later. I like it that you didn't rush through that part, but paced the story carefully and evenly, building up to Akhaz'iir entering the otherworldly Sovngarde.
    And then the defeat of Alduin: really epic – and let me tell you, the shots you used in that part were exquisite!
    The ending truly brought a smile to my face: all of the friends finally together, heading for a well-deserved pint.
    Wonderful chapter!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      I am very glad I was able to paint that picture of Odahviing's grandiose presence, his heavy frame shaking that great keep, in your mind. I like to leave ones imagination to fill in some of those fight scenes as I like that kind of thing when I read other stories and because though I have gotten better at them, battle shots are still more difficult for me, glad that trap being sprung on the crimson scaled dragon evoked a great image.
      I have a fondness for the kind of character who hides true feelings and worries behind a stoic or tough mask, when one manages to make them reveal those feelings or knows those feelings are there in there words there is something I find so lovely about that and that has shaped my take on her. It is good to hear my words about the scout's journey drew out some nice imagery of the temple among the mountains and that battle among moon painted shadows and his unexpected surprise for that dragon priest. I wanted to show the entirety of that journey Akhaz'iir undertook giving each part equal attention, can't help doing that kind of thing, I am glad you thought it carefully paced.
      The fall of Alduin is a dramatic one - I am happy you really enjoyed the shots in that part.
      Puts a smile on my face that the ending put a smile on yours: they were sure glad to be together again and that pint is sure to taste even better than usual after that battle :-)
      Thank you very much, my friend
  7. PTC001
    • premium
    • 106 kudos
    Tu as su rendre cette bataille épique d'une façon très intéressante, en jouant de la furtivité pour te rendre au portail (mon style favori, c'est tellement gratifiant quand ça réussi), puis à Sovngarde tu a dépeint parfaitement les liens étroits avec ces anciens héros, j'entends même la musique derrière

    Et la qualité des images qui accompagne le tout est époustouflante.

    Très beau set Alexi!!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Je suis heureux que tu as trouvé intéressante la façon qu'Akhaz'iir a fais face au dangers autours du portail, il mise souvent sur la furtivité qui lui sert bien, et sa rencontre avec ces héros anciens, elle est bonne la musique à Sovngarde

      C'est bien d'entendre que la qualité de mes images était bonne, qu'elles étaient bon accompagnement pour le tout.

      Merci beaucoup, Luc ^^
  8. RatherWindy
    • account closed
    • 162 kudos
    Great chapter , and most fitting for a dragonborn, but also Khajit and scout,.. You mixed all those traits very well together. The way he tricked the dragonpriest and the elder dragong was very cool and smart. He's a very intelligent fighter that makes instictively the right decisions. perhaps not a strong Nord, but a master in stealth, speed and cunning,.. impressive traits also.
    It was also nice to read about the dragonborn when he was detached from his group of followers.
    I think he did a great job on his own also,..
    The images were great companions for this chapter and added to the immersion of it.
    I agree with Jon that that last image of Alduin looked very cool,..
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      I am delighted that you thought that I mixed to traits of Dragonborn, Khajiit and scout well in this chapter, Janswin. Akhaz'iir certainly is a sharp one, always ready to quickly come up with a plan, knowing when to use his stealth and swiftness, he would be glad to hear your compliments
      Was quite different to write about him away from his band, he is quite good at getting himself out of trouble even when on his own.
      I am glad the images were such companions for this chapter, that they added to its immersion.
      Thank you very much, was a dramatic moment to capture
  9. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 880 kudos
    I agree with Wade - I loved that you had him as a true scout that avoided things when possible - rushing through the gate to Sovengarde like you described. Thought that was very well done. Enjoyed the battle scenes as well - I have only fought Alduin twice in the 5 years of Skyrim (almost). Once with my first character and once with Grim ... and for Grim it wasn't even part of his story. So was nice to read about your take on it with Akhaz'iir. Some great images as well to accompany the story - the last shot of Alduin smoldering away was fantastic. I also liked how you had him reply to Alduin that he has the strength and support of his friends with him. Always in his heart so to speak. Was very much something I would think your character might say.
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      I wanted to highlight his skills as a scout in him knowing when to fight and when not to, his plan counting on surprise and not the strikes of a blade to get into Sovngarde, I am happy you loved that part. It is great to hear you enjoyed the battle with Alduin, still find writing battle scenes a challenge but I am getting better at them. Akhaz'iir's battle with Alduin was the second time I have fought him, the first time was with my first character as well. Was interesting to come up with my own take on it. That last stage of Alduin's fall happens fast, had some luck in capturing it in that moment. I felt I had to have him say something to counter Alduin who had forsaken his fellow dragons for power to show that contrast between him and Akhaz'iir who keeps his friends close at heart, who finds true strength in that, I am glad you think it is something he might say. Thanks bunch for sharing your thoughts on the tale, Jonathan
  10. sonny1892
    • premium
    • 83 kudos
    wonderful captures
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Thank you, glad you enjoyed the shots