WIP Scribe Attire

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  1. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 233 kudos
    Very beautiful work, such elegant and nice outfit, fitting for nay occasion!
  2. choeli
    • supporter
    • 22 kudos
    Beautiful textures!!!
  3. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 333 kudos
    I like both versions, but the second or new is a completely new design ... I saw it never bevore, while the short top with a naked belly appears from time to time
  4. siempre
    • premium
    • 85 kudos
    Beautiful! Love the color and details!!

    Both outfits are great, but I prefer the "after" one just because it looks flowy, romantic, and comfortable. Midriff-baring outfits almost always look more modern to me, and I try to limit how many of them I have in my game.
    1. vicioussarr
      • supporter
      • 300 kudos

      I trashed the before already, it's gone. It won't be coming back. It didn't fit the theme for the pack of armors I was working on. I'm attempting to make all Medieval inspired female outfits. And you're right, midriff was too modern. So I went for a tunic instead.
  5. sleepytigereyes
    • BANNED
    • 337 kudos
    I like both outfits. Do you plan to release on Nexus as armor?
    1. vicioussarr
      • supporter
      • 300 kudos
      Haven't decided yet. After having three of my original pieces stolen and altered, I'm not sure how I feel about sharing my new mods right. It won't be any time soon if I do decide to post them. Still very bitter about the whole thing right now.
    2. siempre
      • premium
      • 85 kudos
      Sorry to hear that, VS. I don't understand people who steal others' work. It's not that hard to ask for permission, and if they say no you move on and figure something else out
  6. comiiv
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    What happened to your previous work ?
    1. vicioussarr
      • supporter
      • 300 kudos
      If you're talking about my previously released mods, I pulled everything for updates and I won't have them back up for a while.