The tale of the laughing fox part 49 - A familiar song and a familiar face

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  1. aok
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    Very complex and surprising. But I wonder if Tuine's actions were not noted somehow.
    The Thalmor have eyes and ears everywhere and that puts him in a dangerous position.
    Brilliantly done Kami!
    1. Kamikazekossori
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      • 252 kudos
      The pasts of Tuine and Carril certainly are quite complicated, I am happy things were surprising for you as they were for Carril. Tuine is exceedingly careful to not draw any attention with her actions, one of the reasons it took her so long to find Carril, at most there might be some rumor of something going on but nothing more. Thank you very much, Aok
  2. Liadys
    • premium
    • 248 kudos
    Masterfully written chapter my friend. It's so easy to get carried away by your description, makes us feel like we are right there with the characters. Tells alot of Tuine and her feelings for Carril if she's willing to play the Thalmor the way she is. A certain bittersweetness to it all I think.

    An awesome chapter to read with a nice warm cup of coffee
    1. Kamikazekossori
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      • 252 kudos
      It means a lot to me that you think so highly of my descriptions, Lia, I am glad they really make you feel as if you were walking alongside them, they would surely welcome your company Bittersweet is a very good word for what has happened between Carril and Tuine, drawn apart for many years.

      I am happy it made a great chapter to read with a cup of coffee in hand
  3. RatherWindy
    • account closed
    • 162 kudos
    This was a great chapter that I enjoyed reading a lot,...
    it's nice to see that, even though being stubborn, edrelle is concerned about the old spies welfare and decides to follow him. Like how you described the meeting between these two grizzled veterans.
    It seems that Tuine does know her i'lusion magic rather well and also has a goos sense of people on top of that, or this would have ended differently I presume,...
    these two certainly go back a long time and I think you brought that across well,..
    1. Kamikazekossori
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      • 252 kudos
      I am delighted that you found this chapter an enjoyable read, Janswin
      Edrelle is one to ignore the stubbornness of an old spy when it might be getting him into danger, she would be glad to her you approve. I am glad you like my description of the meeting of Carril and Tuine, they have both lived through much indeed.
      Tuine is quite a talented mage in detecting spells cast around her and her time searching for Carril has taught her to read people, could have been a different meeting otherwise as you said.
      It is good to hear that the sense of connection between the two of them from the past showed in what I wrote
  4. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    Very interesting and beautifully written new chapter with lovely and vivid shots!
    It is always intriguing to know more about each character story and it is great to see the story of Carril and Tuine. Sad thing that it is such tragic story and the fact that after their separation by going to great measures to find Carril by becoming one of Thalmor Tuine only drew him away! I saw that there is a lack of trust he displayed to her since tlamor are very much despised folk and for good reason... sure she did her best to explain herself and Carrril seemed to soften in his heart but I guess the road to recovery of what was lost might take time and effort... Despite their meeting being somehow awkward still it is very heartwarming to see that there still might be a chance for them to move on from the past and maybe start over...
    Edrelle with her concern about her friends is very endearing and she sure won't obey orders if there is a danger to her friend!
    Thank you very much for sharing your wonderful work!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      I am happy you enjoyed learning more of the story of Carril and Tuine's past. Losing each other did cause them great sorrow and it was a great misfortune that Tuine's efforts to find Carril pulled them further apart something she learned too late. Carril did not much trust Tuine, never having learned why she joined a group both disliked very much till now, and some of that distrust does remain despite Tuine explain her reasons. I am glad that it warms your heart that there is a chance for them to be together again, I think both would take that time and effort to mend things between them, the love they had is something still precious to both of them.
      Edrelle is never one to stand around when a friend might be walking into danger even if one tells her not to get involved ;-)
      Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts on the tale, Nataly
  5. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 880 kudos
    A very interesting chapter and a bit different from your others - more of a side story of sorts into one of the teams past. Very unexpected as well as I thought to see Tuine counted among the enemy. She must have really loved Carril to go to such lengths to find him - even to joining the hatred Thalmor.

    So it appears to have back-fired on her sadly for both of them. To lost loves in a way separated for so long. A somewhat tense and perhaps awkward meeting as well all things considered. It would have to be a pretty elaborate plot if it was really a trap - which I think it is not based on the way your wrote the story and knowing a little about how you write.

    Twas good that Edrelle and Dar want to look out for Carril even if disobeying his orders. But really Edrelle seems somewhat the rebellious sort anyhow and I suspect obeying orders is only when it suits her.

    So the whole band is back in Riverwood and we have gained a bit more history on some of the team. Some very poetic turn of words in the story (liked the wind blowing pine needles as a metaphor for memories going by). Beautiful, natural, and colorful images for the story. I think I like the one of Carrol in the last shot best - he has a nice look about him there.

    Curious to see what you might have next Alexi
    1. Kamikazekossori
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      • 252 kudos
      It is great to hear you found this chapter very interesting, Jonathan - it is true that I have not delved this deeply into a single character in a single chapter before as I have for Carril, had not thought of that till you said it. I am very glad that Tuine not being a foe was a surprise for you as it was for Carril, I wanted the reader to share his feeling of surprise. Tuine and Carril were very close before they were separated and she was willing to do much for that bond between them.

      It is unfortunate that her decision to join the Thalmor only seemed to draw her further away from him, she was not able to follow leads on him freely with having to avoid suspicion. Awkward and tense are words that describe their meeting well, brought up a mix of emotion for both of them as well. You are right that it is not a trap, none want to catch Carril badly enough to warrant such a complex ruse, you do know how I write ;-)

      Carril was being more stubborn than cautious in wanting to go alone which he could not hide from his friends. Edrelle is indeed not one to often obey orders, unless doings so protects her friends.

      They are glad to be there, they are sure not waste the opportunity to have some respite in the village. I am glad you enjoyed that bit about the pine needles drifting like memories, I do like those poetic touches. I am also glad the images were natural and colorful. I did like Carril's expression in that last shot.

      Edrelle has a few things to do in a city that she has been to a number of times and that is all I will say