Edharan - Travel set 2 - A bounty in Fort Fellhammer

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  1. EMS60
    • member
    • 105 kudos
    A truly cold set full of icy images.
    I agree with Izzy and Erwin about the favorite pic.
    1. Excellentium
      • member
      • 357 kudos
      Favorites should be rare occasions and this one was such a moment! The pink colors of the sky faded so quickly I barely had the time to notice them...

      Thanks a lot, Eva!
  2. wadelycan
    • premium
    • 79 kudos
    Not only did the Orc not get his wish to defile her corpse, but she seems to be leaving with his outfit

    1. Excellentium
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      • 357 kudos

      Good eye, Wade! You're absolutely correct, although she has changed armor yet again since then...
  3. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,144 kudos
    All fantastic captures and works Rick and I love that sky with the hint of pink
    :edit: same image as Erwin
    1. Excellentium
      • member
      • 357 kudos
      Thank you dearly, Izzy!

      Yes, that pink is rather sexy and I don't see it all too often in the game - which makes it even more nice actually!
  4. RatherWindy
    • account closed
    • 162 kudos
    Great looking travel set Rick, I saw it earlier on Flickr, there are some very nice atmospheric images in this set,... this one is probably my favorite of them,.. very moody and also somewhat foreboding image.
    I also liked the b/w portrait of your Nord follower ( the vertical one) .
    1. Excellentium
      • member
      • 357 kudos
      Thank you, Erwin!

      yes, I had to upload the set a bit earlier on Flickr, or I wouldn't have access to any character shots for Edharans introduction page. I will have this "dilemma" each and every time I'm posting a new or reworked character introduction, but it's okay...

      Your favorite shot looked absolutely gorgeous in game. I also passed by too damn quickly, but at least I was able to set up this shot. I don't always pause the game fro the landscape shots, and this was such a case.

      The Nord girl is growing on me. At first she seemed just like a standard Nord warrior, but she's starting to get more fleshed out in my head. Lets just hope she's not dead before I truly include her in Edharans story...